Thursday, May 30, 2019

Maya Angelou Essay example -- essays research papers

Maya Angelou has dedicated her life to endprejudices faced by some(prenominal) black females in the 20th century.As an author, poet, and entertainer, she is known best forher strong picture of African-American women. Some ofher most outstanding take a crap is the serial publication of autobiographiesthat she wrote telling about her childhood. Her work hascontributed immensely to Americans everywhere. She hasalso broken many barriers for black women in writing,entertainment, and in film making. Maya Angelou is definitelya positive role model to people everywhere. Maya Angelouhas made many contributions through her poetry, writing,songwriting, acting, and film directing. She has written aseries of autobiographical books focusing on her childhooduntil the birth of her own child, ten of which have appearedon the best selling list (Biography 1). The most reputableof the novels is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This is avery controversial novel dealing with many serious issuesinclud ing rape and murder. It is her most critically acclaimedwork and was nominated for the National Book Award(Maya American 1). She often writes using a female as thestrong role model. In addition, she has published manydistinguished poems which have received recognition bymany people including electric chair Clinton. Her poem On thePulse of Morning was chosen by President Clinton to beread at the 1993 presidential inauguration. Many of hervolumes of poetry have been nominated for the Pulitzer Prizeinclu...

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