Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I feel overwhelmed with emotions standing here before you this evening. It was only two years ago I remember academic term in this hot gym, on the hard bleachers, as many of you are tonight watching commencement. I was a youngly single m new(prenominal) with tether children. I had been homeless, had little education and did not seduce much self-esteem. Ron Wales, an attorney spoke at that commencement. Four months later he was shot and killed. I impart always remember his enthusiasm and energetic presence when he spoke here that evening. It touched me deeply. He sent a strong message to have a voice, take a stand in life, NOT letting life happen to you, but instead to be present in our lives. I took this message to heart. It gave me courage to NOT let the sadness of my divorce and loss of my home destroy my life. I now stand before you in my strong-armer and gown, waiting to receive my Associate of Arts diploma and on my way to my next goal earning a Masters degree in Social Wo rk. All of us here this evening come from different backgrounds and will take different paths. Some of us will go on to a four-year college, for others we start new jobs, while some us will look for a new job. Whatever your circumstance, whatever your degree, remember YOU have a voice that no other has in this world. Your voice is important, and it needs to be heard. During my time, many students inspired and encouraged me to keep going in the middle of adversity. These students were international students, immigrants, single parents, families, young racecourse start students and people retraining for new jobs. I wish I could share all their inspirational stories. What I can say now is, your lives spill the beans volumes and I wont forget you. One particular student who stands out in my mind was a young blind man in my chemistry class. He put forth an incredible effort each day to get an education. I watched him learn molecular structures. I watched him labor over the assignments with a tutor. I saw him earn an A in the class. After the quarter ended, he told me he was taking a break from school because of the chronic pain he suffered from his eyes. A few months later, while I was with my daughter shopping in the University District, I saw him walking alone with a cane in the midst of traffic and crowds.

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