Friday, May 31, 2019

Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Essay -- Atwood Handmaids Tale

Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids TaleThe Historical Notes are important in the way we perceive the allegory asthey answer many important questions raised by the novel and alsoenhance some of the novels main themes.The first question it answers is the one raised at the end of thenovel that is whether Offred is stepping up into the,darkness, orthe, light. The endorser finds out that Offred escaped Gilead,presumably into Canada, with the help of the,Underground Femaleroad.The ratifier also learns that it was Nick who orchestrated her escape,using his position as a member of the Eyes. This is important to thenovel as it means that the novel can feasibly be a transcript of herstory, a story she could not have told if she was dead. It is alsoimportant in a much more simple sense, that it satisfies the readerscuriosity over what happens to the main character and brings the novelto a more satisfactory close. Over the course of the novel the readerhas built up a close relationship with Offre d through her telling herstory completely in the first person. This has the effect of makingthe reader touch a close connection with Offred, and care what happensto her.The Historical Notes also place the novel in its historical context.The notes tell the reader the story of why Gilead utilize theHandmaids in the first place, with the widespread reproductionproblems caused by the, AIDS epidemic, and leakages from, chemicalwarfare stocks. This is important to the novel as a whole as itoutlines the reasons Gilead has for implementing the Handmaids andshows that there was an veritable reason behind the methods of Gilead.This has the effect of making the society seem more realistic, whichadds... ... The fact that Piexto criticizes Offred forher account, she does not see fit to supply us with her originalname, demonstrates his misinterpretation of the account, that Piextosees it purely in the context of what he can learn from it aboutGilead, and does not seem to care for Offreds, wh iff of emotion, orwhat Offred seems to have suffered through. The fact that Piextoslecture is base on , Problems of Authentication, over again shows acomplete disregard for what Offred went through, and againdemonstrates his misunderstanding of the entire Tale. Atwood usesPiextos misunderstanding to again make a warning to society againthat what happens in the novel could happen again. This could again bea comment on society and university education by Atwood that everyoneis so concerned with facts, figures and dates, they often forget, the serviceman heart.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Maya Angelou Essay example -- essays research papers

Maya Angelou has dedicated her life to endprejudices faced by some(prenominal) black females in the 20th century.As an author, poet, and entertainer, she is known best forher strong picture of African-American women. Some ofher most outstanding take a crap is the serial publication of autobiographiesthat she wrote telling about her childhood. Her work hascontributed immensely to Americans everywhere. She hasalso broken many barriers for black women in writing,entertainment, and in film making. Maya Angelou is definitelya positive role model to people everywhere. Maya Angelouhas made many contributions through her poetry, writing,songwriting, acting, and film directing. She has written aseries of autobiographical books focusing on her childhooduntil the birth of her own child, ten of which have appearedon the best selling list (Biography 1). The most reputableof the novels is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This is avery controversial novel dealing with many serious issuesinclud ing rape and murder. It is her most critically acclaimedwork and was nominated for the National Book Award(Maya American 1). She often writes using a female as thestrong role model. In addition, she has published manydistinguished poems which have received recognition bymany people including electric chair Clinton. Her poem On thePulse of Morning was chosen by President Clinton to beread at the 1993 presidential inauguration. Many of hervolumes of poetry have been nominated for the Pulitzer Prizeinclu...

Essays --

For years hu slices and animals alike have relied on ingrained instincts to adapt in order to survive. The book call of the barbarous by knucklebones London centers around a dog named buck. point is large mixed bread who learns to intake natural instincts to survive the harsh conditions during the Klondike bills rush in Alaska in 1897. The Klondike gold rush of 1897 is an example of the back to nature execution. The back to nature drift was initiated by President Roosevelt. He entangle that America was too dependent on technology. The back to nature was generally an experience of survival. He felt that if muckle couldnt survive in the wild, and then they were becoming weak. The book emphasizes Bucks parting from civilization and his entry into a more primitive world. Jack London tries to show the contrast between civilized life and primitive life. This contrast is prevalent throughout the novel. The layer of Bucks journeys in Klondike shows how he gradually sheds all the features that define his preceding life in human society to become a creature of the wild. Throughout Jack Londons book, intellects of Social Darwinism and the back to nature movement comes to mind because Physical strength, as well as dominance, is required in order for one to truly take on nature and survive.In the book, the theme of man vs. nature is present. The Klondike gold rush of 1897 is an example of the back to nature movement. Set in the wake of the gold rush, the story shows how Americans found themselves moving up conglutination in search of gold. They had to live their civilized setting and adjust to the harsh cold of the north where survival was only when imperative. Man had to rely on staple fibre instincts in order to survive away from civilization. For example, men like John Thornton have been a... People usually call up natural instincts in the process. He generated the idea that if humans go back to nature, they would become stronger and more self- reliant. In the wake of the gold rush, man had to venture into the harsh cold (back to nature). People like commode Thornton thrived because they were able to key into their natural instincts. Jack also highlighted that over reliance on civilization makes one weak. This is shown when Hals, Charles and Mercedes fall apart off because they were unable to use instincts to act with the harsh situations of the wild. Because of this, buck was able to make the transition from lovable play pal to a skilled hunter. By getting in touch with his natural instinct, he was able to change his way of life and survive in the environment he found himself. Buck becomes wild and uses social Darwinism and survival of the fittest to survive. Essays -- For years humans and animals alike have relied on natural instincts to adapt in order to survive. The book call of the wild by Jack London centers around a dog named buck. Buck is large mixed bread who learns to use natural instincts to s urvive the harsh conditions during the Klondike gold rush in Alaska in 1897. The Klondike gold rush of 1897 is an example of the back to nature movement. The back to nature movement was initiated by President Roosevelt. He felt that America was too dependent on technology. The back to nature was generally an experience of survival. He felt that if people couldnt survive in the wild, then they were becoming weak. The book emphasizes Bucks parting from civilization and his entry into a more primitive world. Jack London tries to show the contrast between civilized life and primitive life. This contrast is prevalent throughout the novel. The story of Bucks journeys in Klondike shows how he gradually sheds all the features that define his earlier life in human society to become a creature of the wild. Throughout Jack Londons book, ideas of Social Darwinism and the back to nature movement comes to mind because Physical strength, as well as dominance, is required in order for one to truly embrace nature and survive.In the book, the theme of man vs. nature is present. The Klondike gold rush of 1897 is an example of the back to nature movement. Set in the wake of the gold rush, the story shows how Americans found themselves moving up north in search of gold. They had to live their civilized setting and adjust to the harsh cold of the north where survival was only imperative. Man had to rely on basic instincts in order to survive away from civilization. For example, men like John Thornton have been a... People usually regain natural instincts in the process. He generated the idea that if humans go back to nature, they would become stronger and more self-reliant. In the wake of the gold rush, man had to venture into the bitter cold (back to nature). People like john Thornton thrived because they were able to key into their natural instincts. Jack also highlighted that over reliance on civilization makes one weak. This is shown when Hals, Charles and Mercedes die off because they were unable to use instincts to cope with the harsh situations of the wild. Because of this, buck was able to make the transition from lovable play pal to a skilled hunter. By getting in touch with his natural instinct, he was able to change his way of life and survive in the environment he found himself. Buck becomes wild and uses social Darwinism and survival of the fittest to survive.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Intellectual Property: The Patents :: Intellectual Property Patent Papers

Intellectual Property The PatentsIntroductionWhile an ethical digest in intellectual property may not be as interesting as the ethical analysis in human genetics, such as in human cloning, patents argon the most relevant in the area of high technology, which is the most important industry in the Silicon Valley and arguably, worthy one of the most powerful engines in the growth of the U.S. economy. In fact, intellectual property, a once very sleepy and very boring subject, is one of the hottest topics of conversations directly in the high technology industry.BackgroundThe growing impressiveness of patents has fueled the tremendous growth of new patents being issued annually in the past several(prenominal) years and currently accelerating even faster. Many concerns have been raised about new patent ideas such as new business methods and other summary concepts. Two examples of these business method patents are the One-Click checkout and payment cyberspace technology patented by, an Internet commerce company, and the Reverse Auction Internet technology patented by, an Internet based travel agent. Many argue that business methods are discoveries and not true inventions. We discover what before existed, though to us unknown we invent what did not exist before.1 Patents have become one of the greatest competitive assets to ensure the future of the business and as business tools to map trends and convergences, innovates new strategies and capabilities of partners and competitors, and improve all business units in the corporation. Patents have become detailed in determining the winners and losers in business competition. strain Issues Patents have also become strategic assets and competitive weapon of enormous value. Patents have become the bargaining chips for companies in negotiations with other companies to gain competitive favour by gaining access to needed technologies by cross-licensing its patents with partners and competit ors.As businesses began to discover, the power of patents can no longer be ignored in business competitions as the importance of new ideas and innovations have overshadowed market position and tangible assets such as real estate and raw materials to achieve competitive goals. Patents have become critical in the business battlefield the smart bombs of tomorrows business wars2 in addition to the traditional sales increase to expand market share. Patents are the tools that every company needs in the business battlefield to capture and defend its market share, stay ahead of the competition, increase revenues, and to be successful in their respective business segments.

Degradation of Women in Caribbean Music Essay -- Music

As one moves past the initial onslaught of swinging beats that calypso has to offer, it is difficult to miss the way in which it reverberates with negative and demoralizing images of women to their male counterparts. Whether it is within the lyrics of Sparrows Drunk and Disorderly or Squargon Ones My Ding-a Ling, an ample number of verses are often dedicated to making lewd comments about the female body and the declarative body language described through thinly veiled rhymes and puns, can be offensive depending on the listener. The half naked models being displayed on the discordant album covers of calypso, soca and rap mix tapes further reinforces these negative connotations. This bandwagon has been jumped upon by many, including the rap genre in the last two decades, wanting to capitalize on a marketing strategy that generally purports to flag consumer attention, playing on their sense of eroticism. The sections titled Music, Sex, Sexism and Woman Rising within Peter Manuels text Caribbean Currents, come down into the many issues surrounding gender within harmony as well as female portrayal specifically in calypso. Observations can be do simply by reading through the textual comparisons. Many aspects of this subject area allude to the fact that the issue of gender portrayal in music can be construed differently depending on who the critical listener happens to be. With the increased awareness and heightened sensitivity to the way in which females are portrayed in habitual media, it is important to reflect on the impact these lyrics have on male-female relationships within the communities who most often enjoy this music genre.The parallels between musical and linguistic boundaries are obvious as stated in author Peter M... ...ages of women. Ultimately the purchaser and listener of all kinds of music, influences the pace of this movement. Work CitedBilby, Kenneth. Largey, Michael. Manuel, Peter. Caribbean Currents- Caribbean Music From Rumba to Reggae. tabernacle Univ. Press. Philadelphia, 2006.Ember, Carol. Ember, Melvin. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Vol 2. Springer pubChicago. 2005Female Degradation must not be Tolerated. The Marquette Tribune. Staff editorial- stick on November 8, 2007. Accessed April 12, 2008Jones, Tiffanie. Video girls Bare all on Music Industry. New Orleans News PeriodicalDated September 23, 2004. Accessed April 12, 2008Mayer, Andre. Booty Rhapsody-Pop musics obsession with the female posteriorPosted January 16, 2005. April 12, 2008

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I feel overwhelmed with emotions standing here before you this evening. It was only two years ago I remember academic term in this hot gym, on the hard bleachers, as many of you are tonight watching commencement. I was a youngly single m new(prenominal) with tether children. I had been homeless, had little education and did not seduce much self-esteem. Ron Wales, an attorney spoke at that commencement. Four months later he was shot and killed. I impart always remember his enthusiasm and energetic presence when he spoke here that evening. It touched me deeply. He sent a strong message to have a voice, take a stand in life, NOT letting life happen to you, but instead to be present in our lives. I took this message to heart. It gave me courage to NOT let the sadness of my divorce and loss of my home destroy my life. I now stand before you in my strong-armer and gown, waiting to receive my Associate of Arts diploma and on my way to my next goal earning a Masters degree in Social Wo rk. All of us here this evening come from different backgrounds and will take different paths. Some of us will go on to a four-year college, for others we start new jobs, while some us will look for a new job. Whatever your circumstance, whatever your degree, remember YOU have a voice that no other has in this world. Your voice is important, and it needs to be heard. During my time, many students inspired and encouraged me to keep going in the middle of adversity. These students were international students, immigrants, single parents, families, young racecourse start students and people retraining for new jobs. I wish I could share all their inspirational stories. What I can say now is, your lives spill the beans volumes and I wont forget you. One particular student who stands out in my mind was a young blind man in my chemistry class. He put forth an incredible effort each day to get an education. I watched him learn molecular structures. I watched him labor over the assignments with a tutor. I saw him earn an A in the class. After the quarter ended, he told me he was taking a break from school because of the chronic pain he suffered from his eyes. A few months later, while I was with my daughter shopping in the University District, I saw him walking alone with a cane in the midst of traffic and crowds.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Gender Strategies Essay

Gender strategies refer to a literary strategy and a manner of analyzing literary works. As a strategy, sexuality strategies pertain to the infusion of differing gender expectations and roles given a patriarchal social context. Men hold a higher position relative to women. This overly extends to hints of feminist movement with literary works showing the efforts made by women to attain defy the patriarchal system and achieve equal status with men or women characters move in positions of power. As an analytical tool, gender strategies refer to the differentiation between masculine and feminine character traits.The differences in the perspectives of men and women develop with the influence of culture. This also considers the way that the image of women in the literary work captures the difficulties in living in a patriarchal society and the challenges to attain equality. Another line of summary is by expanding literary themes beyond the male and female to consider the homosexual pe rspective represented by literary works. (Meyer, 2002) Gender strategies worked in the play A Midsummer Nights Dream (Shakespeare, 1997). Patriarchal belief and male dominance is one defining theme of the play.Egeus used the law compelling daughters to draw the man chosen by their captures with refusal punishable by death to force Hermia, his daughter, to marry Demetrius, the man that Egeus wants his daughter to marry. There was also a hint of feminism, with Hermia defying her father and the law by eloping with Lysander. Titania, the queen of the fairies, also holds an equal position with Oberon, the king of fairies by refusing to agree to make her Indian changeling a knight of Oberon. In analyzing the play, the patriarchy experienced by the characters reflects on the Athenian culture that gives men higher status than women do.The male characters, Egeus and Oberon, make the decision and enforce these decisions on the women characters. The women characters, Hermia and purge the fa iry queen Titania, suffered difficulties in resisting the dominant male characters. References Meyer, M. (2002). The Bedford introduction to literature (6th ed. ). New York St. Martins Press. Shakespeare, W. (1997). A midsummer nights dream. In G. Blakemore-Evans & J. J. M. Tobin (Eds. ), The riverside Shakespeare (pp. 256-283). Boston Houghton Mifflin.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Executive Summary of Starbucks

SUMMARY OF Howard Schultz Building Starbucks Community This text speaks about Howard Schultz and how he built a Starbucks Community. * Early Years This man was the oldest of three children in a modest family of Brooklyn. Indeed, his father combined 3 different jobs to support his family. His mother was a homemaker who transmits her determine to her children. She was a strong-willed person who wants a good future for her children with the respect of these values. Her dearest wish was that all go to college. Howard, who believes in the Ameri rump dream, felt that he had to plan his own future because he didnt want to stay in Brooklyn.Indeed, he met many different people who came from different backgrounds. He said that Diversity isnt something I had to learn. I lived it. Its a point which influenced his future behavior. During his teenage, Howard and his father clashed often. He will discern later that sometimes you learn lessons, but you dont realize them in the moment. But at the time he thought that his father could have accomplished so much more if only he had attempt. This cancel leadership ability stood out in the schoolyard. The Sports domain was the example.Indeed, it allows him to have a scholarship until University in Northern Michigan. after(prenominal) graduating, Schultz made a sales trainee in New-York in Xerox. Despite a good income, he didnt like this job for several reasons This Company was too bureaucratic, strict and austere and he didnt have a voice. Finally, he didnt find a link between this fraternity and his values. * Creating Starbucks Howard had already works in the subject field of coffee. So one day, he was encountered Starbucks Coffee and was very sensitive to the product and the business.He said that he felt he had discovered a whole untried continent. After that, he joined Starbucks as a director of operations and marketing. He saw the enormous harvest-time potential of this Company especially in the gourmet and food market s. He realized that during a shift to Italy. Indeed, he noticed the unique community experience that Milanese espresso bars played in their customers daily lives. He will be based on this model to launch his own business Il Giornale. This business was a chain of espresso cafes from Starbucks in downtown Seattle. It had three locations but had not yet turned a profit.So for answer to this problem, Schultz planned to consolidate the refreshfulfangled company with the name of Starbucks Corporation. Indeed, this name was so known by customers. But the development of this business wasnt so simple. The firstly in which Schultz has faced was the following One of these original investors proposed to purchase Starbucks instead, on terms that would have dramatically veerd his stake and that of his other investors. Furthermore, investors put pressure on Schultzs head. They said If you dont take this deal, youll never work in this town again. Youll never raise another dollar.Youll be dog meat. As a leader, Howard Schultz didnt renounced. He prepared an secondary plan cancelled the dilution and he managed. * Growing Starbucks The fathers death of Howard Schultz has completely changed his state of mind. He realized that his fathers life wasnt the same as hers. In those days on that point was no health insurance and no workmens compensation. So, he decided to make Starbucks the first American company to provide access to health coverage for qualified employees. Indeed, this event is directly linked to the culture and the values of Starbucks.He precious to build the king of company that his father never had a chance to work for, where you would be valued and respected no matter where you came from, the color of your skin, or your lever of education. He wanted to build a company that linked shareholder value to the cultural values that he created with the other employees of the company. The original business plan of Starbucks provided 125 new pedigrees in five year. I n the first year, the company had already open 15 stores in Northwest cities with a strong coffee culture. The addition was running.And for occur at this pace, Schultz recruited Howard Behar, an executive 10 years his senior who had 25 years of retail experience. His assignment was to innovate in response to customer requests and develop the customer experience. In an other hand, Starbucks managemented its upkeep into values and culture of the stores, reasoning that satisfied and happy baristas made for satisfied customers. For continuing in this way, Schultz was aware that growth is intoxicating and seductive but also that it covers up a tremendous amount of mistakes.To solve this problem, he shared power with others. Indeed, Schultz & Behar wanted to stay in the way of their values so they decided to codify the values in the company mission and values statement. Its important for the two leaders to share the culture of the company in each Starbucks stores. This is what distin guishes this company from others and allows it to continuing growth. For reach this terminal, in that respect were two key The first was to hire people with like-minded values and the second was to reinforce the values and culture of the company.The elaborateness of Starbucks qualification this own language into a common usage (like latte, half-caf). Schultz was also proud of making difficult choices to pass up certain growth opportunities and to stay focused. The new way adopted by Starbucks was to explore marketing carefully selected. For example, they were experimenting to combined melody and coffee stores and other entertainment ventures. It was a success. * Staying Grounded As an entrepreneur, Schultz should be irreproachable. For being that, he should learn several things like to manage vulnerability and doubt.But for understand him there werent a lot of people. So he decided to talk with Warren Bennis, a widely respected leadership and with a rabbi, during a trip in Isra el, where he had learned about the power of humility. These lessons helped Howard to understand that success is best when its shared and be better in his business. * Whither Starbucks and Schultz? The hope of Howard Schultz is that Starbucks can be a model for building a company the right way. Especially he wants that the size of the company cant erase the integrity.Its an illustration of the state of mind of Schultz. He took advantage of every opportunity for delivering his message like in leadership conferences for his store managers in which he focus on people and the merciful connection, not on numbers. He also focused on the consumer especially on customer experience. The brand wants to have a big place in customers life because it pretends that it wants to be the third place in customers lives between the home and the office. For that, Starbuck offers a global persist from coffee to CDs with the music that you can find in Starbucks stores.To combine these two ambitions, Star bucks responds to customer demand which is Hungry for humanity and authenticity. * The Schultz E-mail After the big success of Starbucks, Howard Schultz was worried about one important thing for him With the growth, Starbucks could lose the personal feeling of the neighborhood coffeehouse which Howard Schultz wanted to create. Indeed, at his arrival, his goal was to develop Starbucks as a model company including financial performance and mainly the respect of the human relationship. But this ambition wasnt simple to gull in the reality.Indeed, Starbucks had become the fastest growing chain in the history of retailing The brand began with three stores in Seattle for reach, twenty years ago, 40,000 outlets worldwide. This phenomenal expansion allows Starbucks to engage in competition with the big company like McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. Despite this success in financially field, a question for Schultz was essential Had Starbucks lost its sense in the process of becoming a global br and? For having an answer, Schultz decided to send an E-mail to Jim Donald, Starbucks new CEO, with copies to members of the executive team.In his mail, Schultz explained his point of view about the accompaniment of Starbucks at this moment. He said that the growth had not a good effect in the customer experience. He described Starbucks with the sterility and the uniformity of store decor. The turnover is the first priority than the small coffee heritage of the brand and compromised the passion for coffee. He send this mail and waited the response of the senior team. Schultz memorandum was published on Starbucks Gossip, a web site about Starbucks, the experiences and opinions of the customers and employees. So, we could find some rumors in this about the company.But when the memo was public, the corporate communication had tried to manage the crisis and the solution was to post a confirmation that the memo was authentic. For keeping a good image, Starbucks decided to position this memo as a new way of the company. Indeed, it explained that Starbucks reinventing itself, saying it reflected the companys philosophy that ongoing success was not automatically a given. It created a go on internet and in Press. The Wall Street Journal dedicated an article about Schultzs memo with 1,500 words and some blogs like BusinessWeek. om, Bloomberg. com * Joe Noceras Challenge The buzz continued two weeks later when the business journalist for New York Times, Joe Nocera, wrote an article about Howard Schultz in his column Talking Business. He focused his attention on the two personalities of Schultz. So the name of article was Two Howard Schultz. First, he described Schultz as a sensitive man who is attached on humans values in his company with health assurance for employees, and coffee experience for customers. The article speaks about the huge social responsibility program completed by Schultz.But in a second time, he described a face completely different of Howard Schu ltz. For him, Schultz was a businessman who thinks about profit, benefit and growth so an aggressive competitor. For Nocera, Schultzs aim was to grow as soon as possible by making the best financial result. For illustrating this, he self-contained some testimonials of Schultzs colleagues who said Mr. Schultz is an enormously competitive businessman for example. An other colleague told an anecdote Howard said that they would never serve food. He thought it would dilute the experience. ) For Starbucks, there was always going to be a limit to how much coffee it could sell in any one location, so to goose same-store sales, it began selling food. All these testimonies supported the thesis that Howard Schultz was a man who wanted a quickly growth with a big profit. His first face was unspoilt a disguise to hide his true nature as Nocera. After having made an opposition between the two faced of Schultz, the journalist concluded that there was in reality only one Howard Schultz and the t wo things he wanted were incompatible.Finally, after this event, Schultz analyzed the situation and some questions arrived Was it possible to have it two ways, or were growth and authenticity incompatible? Starbucks pursue such aggressive global growth and remain the unique local coffeehouse that attracted customers in the first place? We can see that these issues were in link with the first ambition of Howard Schultz So we can ask us if this ambition was really feasible or if Schultz has failed to achieve his goal. One thing was certain The issue wasnt going to go away

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The positives and negatives towards physical education

Young youngsters are taking progressively sedentary lives, with physiologic bodily function often being displaced by telecasting screening, cyberspace surfboarding and picture gambling , Myers, Strikmiller, Webber and Berenson ( 1996 ) . Furthermore, great concern has surfaced for this lifestyle alteration as, harmonizing to the World Health organisation ( 2000 ) childhood fleshiness has risen dramatically in the last 10 old ages. When looking at the give lessons context, integrating physical activity or athletics is a likely agency of bettering the physical wellness position of kids, Haskell ( 1994 ) . Harmonizing to research under beginn physical study outhouse take to improved cognitive unexclusive p dislikeation Sibley & A Etiner ( 2003 ) . Research withal shows us that in some fortunes physical instruction bottom take to improved at angleing and greater concentration, Hillman, Castelli & A Buck ( 2005 ) , Shephard ( 1996 ) . With this in head can physical instruct ion T individually fledgling people rough self worth and the value of esteeming another(prenominal)s? This paper impart research the thought that physical instruction can catch these things but besides look at the impudent side of the coin and see if they can hold a negative psychicality on students.Prior to the general election in 1997 the labor party stated that Sport can be important to the societal and personal development of unvaned people and by take parting in featuring activities they can take on to distinguish between keen and bad demeanor , ( Crabbe 2000 ) adds that the labor party declared that if elected they would provoke polish developing featuring chances for immature people to, help them further a scent out of their value to society and assist undertake jobs of young person offense . Indeed when elected in 1997 the Labour authorities started covert uping athleticss programmes for young persons two in and out of educate. It is excessively early in to the new Conservative/Liberal alliance to cognize how they will back up athleticss programmes for kids, as on one manus they have begun programs to get down a schools Olympic manner competition modelled on London 2012, Telegraph ( 2010 ) , but on the other the have already began cuts on world disbursement which is extremely likely to impact schools.Within schools, physical instruction is an indispensable constituent of bore instruction. non merely make physical instruction programmes promote physical activity, but harmonizing to Nicholas ( 2004 ) participants in such programmes are besides shown to hold improved schoolman public presentation under certown(prenominal) conditions. It is frequently believed that athletics and physical instruction is cardinal to the early development of kids and young person and the accomplishments learned during drama, physical instruction and feature contribute to the holistic development of immature people. Harmonizing to Hendry ( 1993 ) through engagement in athletics and physical instruction immature people learn about the importance of cardinal values such as, honestness, just drama regard for themselves and others and attachment to the regulations . Collins ( 2003 ) ads it besides provides a forum for immature people to larn how to cover with competition and how to get by with both winning and losing. These larning facets highlight the impact of physical accomplishments and abilities.Measuring the social intercourseship between physical instruction and academic accomplishment is a hard undertaking, due to the challenges of shaping and mensurating Physical Education. i.e. it is hard when the clip kids spend in P.E every bit good as the quality of direction they receive varies from school to school. In 2005 a survey was conducted by Grissom ( 2005 ) , of 884,715 pupils in California to measure the relationship between physical fittingness, a gull of physical activity and academic accomplishment over the class of a scho ol twelvemonth. Grissom besides included pupil s socioeconomic position and gender. Grissom s findings supported the presence of a positive relationship between physical fittingness and academic accomplishment. Subsequent analyses revealed that this relationship was stronger for misss than for male childs and stronger for those who came from higher socioeconomic back evidences than those who came from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Nichols ( 2007 ) adds to this by saying every bit good as a kid s academic accomplishment improving, through physical instruction they besides learn the value of esteeming others through squad work and competition .It seems plausible that kids wining at athleticss at school i.e. doing a squad or going captain could do a kid attempt harder at other topics such as maths, English and scientific discipline because the sense of wallow they get from accomplishing positive ends in athletics could take to the kid desiring to travel to school. But look at the impudent side of the coin. The survey above was a generalization. Would the survey achieve the same consequences if all the students had non liked physical education/sport? What if a kid hates physical education/sport or change surface worse loves the athletics but is merely non good plenty to acquire in the squad or nine he or she tries out for. in that respect seems to be small or no research to supply grounds on bettering cognitive public presentation or larning self deserving for those with less(prenominal) ability in a athletics. One could reason that it could hold a negative consequence on cognitive public presentation and classs could get down to drop. The grounds for this could be the kid could be bullied about his or hers lack of accomplishment in athletics or the kid could get down to resent traveling to school and attending could drop.In 1985 after a survey by Noles ( 1985 ) , he recommended supplying physical activity in primary schools found on physical activity penc hants. He states, by offering a broad assortment of activity types, for illustration, dance, aerobic exercises, running and ball games and let kids to take part in the activity of their pick, you are far more likely to acquire kids to prosecute to the full . This would be on a day-to-day pay with the intent of supplying regular physical activity and for kids to take specify in something they enjoy. This is supported by the British authorities who recommend 30 proceedingss of crack to vigorous intensity physical activity per twenty-four hours for kids in primary schools and 5 hours per hebdomad for secondary school pupils, 2.5 hours of which comes through P.E taught in school and a farther 2.5 hours completed through after school squads etc.Specialist athleticss colleges are at the Centre of the authorities s scheme to heighten immature people s chances to take part in a broad scope of athleticss every bit good as lifting the criterion of instruction and skill of physical instru ction and school athletics . ( Youth athletics trust 2010 ) . 1997 saw the debut of athleticss colleges as portion of the specializer schools programme in the coupled Kingdom. Harmonizing to ( Sport England 2010 ) these plans allow secondary schools to specialize in certain Fieldss, in this instance PE, athleticss and dance. Sports colleges are designed to develop a seeable ethos throughout the school and within their local community which will hopefully animate their scholars to prosecute in athletics.Harmonizing to ( specialist athleticss school criterions 2010 ) athleticss colleges will, back up the authoritiess aspiration for all immature people to hold two hours high quality PE per hebdomad within and outside the course of study. Take an appropriate function in the physical instruction, school athletics and nines link. Develop the accomplishments and apprehension of instructors and do greater usage of new engineerings as a manner of raising the quality of instruction and acqu isition in PE. Extend proviso and installations to profit all scholars of all featuring abilities, whilst besides giving those with the greatest possible, chances to accomplish the highest criterions of which they are capable. Work with other schools and the wider community to develop and portion good pattern, installations, human and other resources. And eventually are involved in national enterprises ( e.g. Step into Sport ) and competitions that enrich proviso in PE and athletics for their ain scholars and those in their spouse schools.Team games in physical instruction and athletics are frequently where negative behavior, such as cheating, dissent towards teachers/officials, winning/losing ungracefully and inordinate aggression are often exhibited , Shephard ( 1997 ) , this creates a figure of chances for the instructor to discus behaviors and values associated to these behaviors. The overall purpose of each of the lessons is for the specific behaviors attached to each of the v alues are modelled by the students and for these behaviors to be taken beyond the field/gymnasium. Harmonizing to Shephard et Al ( 1994 ) , there are peculiar conditions that should use to each lesson that will make a positive acquisition environment for values-based instruction. If the following acquisition conditions are in topographic point the lesson is more likely to be a roaring one( 1 ) . Teaching manner. The instructor should be confident in utilizing a divergent, child-centred manner. Her/his function is one of facilitator and perceiver. The ability to reflect eloquently on the behavior in the lesson is indispensable. Behaviour that reflect the values are referred to as teachable minutes . They can be positive or negative illustrations although positive TMs tend to be more effectual than negative.( 2 ) . A set of nucleus values for the lessons should be identified and put under the streamer of Fair pushover . For the lesson illustrations given are respect, equity, duty, trust and inclusion but they can be chosen harmonizing to the ethos of the school or the demands of the kids.( 3 ) . The instructor to move as a function theoretical account. It seems plausible that if a instructor wants the kids to show certain behaviors so he/she must pattern those behaviors themselves. For illustration, covering with both winning and losing, and the achiever and failure that brings, in an honorable manner.( 4 ) .Building positive relationships. Often a PE instructor has more chance to construct positive relationships with students inside and outside of their lessons. For illustration, a instructor looking for chances to raise the self-pride of a difficult student by offering congratulations in private whilst walking back to the ever-changing room.In decision, it is unrealistic to claim that physical instruction entirely can take to greater academic accomplishment. Although ( Gatz et al 2002 ) argues that, organised physical instruction programmes, can neverthe less, contribute to giving better moralss and values by giving immature people a positive individuality, feelings of authorization and by assisting young person get leading, teamwork and self-governance accomplishments under grownup supervising . Furthermore Andrews ( 2010 ) adds to this by saying in general athletics and physical instruction is considered extremely good to the physical and mental development of a kid and non merely does it assist better a kid s co-ordination and increase consciousness of his or her organic structure, but besides helps them interact socially, learn regulations and esteem them, heighten concentration capacity and learn to take duties . Although surveies in the past all seem to hold that physical instruction does take to greater cognitive public presentation and Teach kids moralss and values of regard for themselves and others, these are all generalizations. Furthermore the lone thing that does look to be clear is the fact that physical instruction does assist battle kid fleshiness which is a turning concern and few would differ that a kid that looks good would experience good about themselves, giving the kid a sense of self worth. Golenberg et Al ( 2000 ) discussed the values of the organic structure in relation to the consequence they can hold on ego regard, saying that one s physical organic structure is a possible beginning of ego regard and that non populating up to societal criterions sing the organic structure can hold negative effects for the ego . Among male childs and misss organic structure dissatisfaction is tie in to moo self esteem insecurity and depression , Cash et Al ( 1986 ) , McCaulay et Al ( 1988 ) , while organic structure satisfaction is associated with felicity , Berscheid et Al ( 1973 ) .

Friday, May 24, 2019

Peer and Self Assessment

Assessing Learning Peer and Self valuement Peer Assessment One of the ways in which schoolchilds internalize the characteristics of flavour work is by evaluating the work of t inheritor peers. However, if they are to offer inspection and repairful feedback, students must have a clear understanding of what they are to look for in their peers work. The instructor must explain expectations clearly to them before they begin. One way to make sure students understand this type of paygrade is to give students a exercise session with it. The instructor provides a sample writing or speaking assignment.As a group, students determine what should be assessed and how criteria for successful completion of the communication task should be defined. Then the instructor gives students a sample completed assignment. Students assess this using the criteria they have developed, and determine how to convey feedback clearly to the fictitious student. Students flush toilet also reach from using ru brics or checklists to guide their assessments. At first these can be provided by the instructor once the students have more experience, they can develop them themselves.An model of a peer editing checklist for a writing assignment is given in the popup window. Notice that the checklist asks the peer evaluator to comment primarily on the substance and organization of the essay. It helps the peer evaluator focus on these areas by asking questions about specific points, such as the presence of examples to support the ideas discussed. For peer evaluation to work effectively, the learning environment in the classroom must be supportive. Students must feel comfortable and trust one another in rules of order to provide honest and constructive feedback.Instructors who use group work and peer assessment frequently can help students develop trust by forming them into subatomic groups early in the semester and having them work in the same groups throughout the term. This allows them to move more comfortable with each other and leads to better peer feedback. Self Assessment Students can become better language learners when they engage in deliberate thought about what they are learning and how they are learning it. In this attractive of reflection, students step back from the learning process to think about their language learning strategies and their progress as language earners. Such self assessment encourages students to become independent learners and can increase their motivating. The successful use of student self assessment depends on three key elements Goal setting Guided practice with assessment tools Portfolios Goal setting Goal setting is essential because students can evaluate their progress more clearly when they have targets against which to measure their performance. In addition, students motivation to learn increases when they have self-defined, and therefore relevant, learning goals.At first, students tend to arrive at lofty long-range goals (to speak Russian) that do not lend themselves to self assessment. To help students develop realistic, short-term, attainable goals, instructors can use a framework like SMART goals outline shown in the popup window. One way to begin the process of introducing students to self-assessment is to create student-teacher contracts. Contracts are written accordments between students and instructors, which commonly involve determining the number and type of assignments that are required for particular grades.For example, a student may agree to work toward the grade of B by completing a specific number of assignments at a level of quality described by the instructor. Contracts can serve as a good way of helping students to begin to consider establishing goals for themselves as language learners. Guided practice with assessment tools Students do not learn to monitor or assess their learning on their own they need to be taught strategies for self monitoring and self assessment.Techniques for te aching students these strategies are collimate to those used for teaching learning strategies (see Motivating Learners-0). The instructor models the technique (use of a checklist or rubric, for example) students then try the technique themselves finally, students discuss whether and how well the technique worked and what to do differently next time. In addition to checklists and rubrics for specific communication tasks, students can also use broader self-assessment tools to reflect on topics they have studied, skills they have learned, their study habits, and heir sense of their overall strengths and weaknesses. An example of such a tool appears in the popup window. Students can share their self-assessments with a peer or in a refined group, with instructions that they compare their impressions with other criteria such as test scores, teacher evaluations, and peers opinions. This kind of practice helps students to be aware of their learning. It also informs the teacher about stude nts thoughts on their progress, and gives the teacher feedback about course content and instruction.Portfolios Portfolios are purposeful, organized, systematic collections of student work that tell the story of a students efforts, progress, and achievement in specific areas. The student participates in the selection of portfolio content, the development of guidelines for selection, and the definition of criteria for judging merit. Portfolio assessment is a joint process for instructor and student. Portfolio assessment emphasizes evaluation of students progress, processes, and performance over time. there are two basic types of portfolios A process portfolio serves the purpose of classroom-level assessment on the part of both the instructor and the student. It most often reflects formative assessment, although it may be assigned a grade at the end of the semester or academic year. It may also include summative types of assignments that were awarded grades. A product portfolio is more summative in nature. It is intended for a major evaluation of some sort and is often accompanied by an oral presentation of its contents.For example, it may be used as a evaluation tool for graduation from a program or for the purpose of seeking employment. In both types of portfolios, emphasis is displace on including a variety of tasks that elicit spontaneous as well as planned language performance for a variety of purposes and audiences, using rubrics to assess performance, and demonstrating reflection about learning, including goal setting and self and peer assessment. Portfolio characteristics Represent an emphasis on language use and cultural understanding Represent a collaborative approach to assessment Represent a students range of performance in reading, writing, speaking, and listening as well as cultural understanding evince what students can do rather than what they cannot do Represent a students progress over time Engage students in establishing ongoing learning goal s and assessing their progress towards those goals footmark each students achievement while allowing for individual differences between students in a class Address improvement, effort, and achievement Allow for assessment of process and product pertain teaching and assessment to learning -0 http//www. nclrc. org/essentials/motivating/moindex. htm

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Discuss the different types of love Essay

In Act 3, Shakespe be portraits love in varied characters point of hatfuls, also show the different ways love can be expressed in. Orlando and Silvius both express their love openly, non fear of embarrassments. Touchstones love is in truth realistic Phoebes way of express is very(prenominal) childish and Rosalinds tidingss are very self-contradicting. Touchstones point of view of a wife is a tool that can be replaced or thrown away at any time.Just from the exc subprogram he gave from not having a proper wedding for he is not like to marry me well and, not being well married, it will be a sincere excuse for me hereafter to leave my wife, it can show that he doesnt genuinely value this marriage and is already guessing round divorcing onwards they are even married. Also from the reason he gave about the marriage is bonnie by so much is a horn more incomparable than to want, we can tell how he sees Audrey as a person. Audrey in Touchstones eyes can be seen as an object or on the button a releasing of sexual needs, he is not respecting her in any point.As a professional jester, people usually imagine them as very nai ve and stupid, but in a contrast to Orlando from a noble family, he acts more mature and is more realistic. By using big leaving in status, Shakespeare shows that the way of thinking is actually not affected by the status and job of that person. Different from Orlando, Silvius pursues Phoebe day and night, and begs that she would accept him, while Orlando is bonnie expressing his love without even the courage to go see Rosalind face to face. But the love between Silvius and Phoebe is one sided.We can tell this after Silvius state she is like the common executioner, whose heart thaccustomd sight of death makes hard begging her to go easy on him, but full in return receives Phoebes mocking. She mocks him about his hyperbolic language and says now show the wound mine eye hath made in thee. During the all told scene, she only said Siliviu ss name once, showing that she does not even spare him a glance. Not only is their love one sided, Phoebe acts really irritated and is very cruel with the words she chose to use.Like if mine eyes can wound, now let them kill thee, suggests that she would rather kill him than to give him a little of her love. Although she says cruel things, but she never kicked Silvius or physically hurt him. She also never said anything like stay away, I think is because she likes to feeling of being popular, and the amount of attention Silvius is giving her. I think she mistook that every man is like Silvius, only crying for her love, and falling before her knees, thats why she acts like a queen.This shows that Phoebe actually has very little contacts with people outside even the others in the forest. Phoebe actually is very inexperienced with love. Although she didnt say openly, but saying I had rather hear you chide than this man woo to a man which she has just apothegm reveals her affections. Shakespeare here uses dramatic irony, because Phoebe doesnt know that Ganymede is actually a women in disguised. And denying her own love is just like the actions of a child towards his or her first love, so I think she is very inexperienced in love.The love Orlando lasts for Rosalind is very inconsiderate. As Rosalind says, he haunts the forest that abuses out young plants with newspaper clipping Rosalind on their bards hangs odes upon hawthorns and elegies on brambles all, forsooth, defying the name of Rosalind. He doesnt care how much trouble he is causing to the forest and other people that lives in the forest, just for the sake of his quotidian of love. He didnt care about Rosalinds feelings whose name is written by him all over the forest, which makes her widely known, just for the sake of his love.Orlando is very childish, naive, and venire. He wants the whole world to believe that he is in love with Rosalind, even the Ganymede for which he has only seen. He said, equitabl e youth, I would I could make thee believe I love and I swear to thee, youth, by the white hand of Rosalind, I am that unfortunate he. From his urgent tone, we can tell that how much a weirds word weighs on his heart, in order for him to swear. White using to describe a persons skin can mean that he or she is ill, but I think Orlando mean no harm, but this is just the word he can find to describe Rosalind.So, again, we can see the big conflict in education between Rosalind and Orlando. He said the verses above even off after Rosalind (now as Ganymede) said he doesnt look like he is in love, so he reacted greatly from just a strangers words. Just from one side of the story, without questioning the truth, Orlando accepted the help of a stranger, without even knowing that person. If it was a trap, Orlando would be dead by now, so he is very nai ve. As a woman, Rosalind loves Orlando by heart. By the way she questions Celia about Orlando, answer me in one word shows that Rosalind is very urgent about everything that is about Orlando.Although she loves him, she doesnt show it very much, denying the love rule in Shakespeares plays, which when characters fall in love hard and fast, they would be desperate and reacts greatly. Rosalinds love is very self-contradicting. She says love is merely a madness when she also, is madly in love. She says as if she was very experienced with love, but actually she doesnt hold much experience than Orlando does. These contradictions only happen when she is dress as a man, showing the difference in gender can bring much difference in the way of talking and gestures.Rosalind is a very ironic character. She comments on love from two different points of views when she is having two different identities. She uses her identities to her greatest benefits, but in return receives a self-contradictory image about love. It is because in Shakespeares period, all actors were men. Imagine a man playing a woman who plays a man in order to win a mans love, the neat borders of gender becomes hopelessly muddled. I think Rosalinds Ganymede identity is use to show that men is actually not much better than women, because the things men can do, women can also do if they want.Shakespeare displays love in many different angles, showing to the audience that love cannot be too realistic like Touchstone, but cannot be too imaginative like Orlando love is a envenom that can bring suffer like Silvius and Phoebe, but can also bring sweetness. The love in As You Like It is far to unrealistic that they are not likely to happen, but this is just a hyperbolic play, suggesting that it might occur in another form. Like Rosalinds identities, love need to regard a balance otherwise they would create problems for others and themselves.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Humans Are Responsible For Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay

global heating is the following large impact that will convey ab emerge a alteration in the conditions forms. By definition, Global Warming is the addition in mean temperature that bit by bit warms the Earth s ambiance. It is a phenomenon, which has been on the rise but in the last century, the addition in the degrees call for been dismaying. ( George ChristodoulouA ,2006 ) .Global warming has ca subprogramd a batch of alterations to the environment on a negative mode. Harmonizing to the survey by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , it is observed that the addition in wandering(a) mean temperature has been caused due to an addition in nursery gas concentrations. ( Slashman, 2007 ) . Global heating give the axe h out of date many different causes, but it is most normally associated with human intervention, specifically the release of inordinate sums of nursery gases. ( EPA, 2006 ) .It is either caused by either worlds or animate beings, or natural causes. Glob al heating is no more a myth but a fast approaching world, which in the longsighted term will convey the much feared ice age that will pass over out all populating being on Earth. The latest IPCC get word states widespread mass losingss from glaciers and decreases in snow screen over recent decennaries are projected to speed up throughout the twenty-first century, make do bolt down H2O handiness, hydropower possible, and altering seasonality of flows in parts supplied by melt H2O from major mountain scopes ( e.g. Hindu-Kush, Himalaya, Andes ) , where more than one-sixth of the universe population presently lives. ( Geneva, 2010 ) . Global heating has caused a major addition of heat towards the Earth s ambiance and it is still impacting boulder clay today due to human activities.Although nearly people think that worldwide heating happens due to natural factors, it is scientifically proved that worlds are prudent for planetary heating. The intent of this paper is to indicate out the irresponsible people doing planetary heating and to non fault planetary heating occurs due to natural factors.There are many scientific and logical factors of planetary heating are caused by human activities. The chief factor is due to the depletion of ozone deliver of the ambiance which happens in the stratosphere. Why the ozone does go dilutant or makes a hole? It is because the release of CFC ( CFC ) gases. Human s utilizations air conditioners to do the hot environment ice chest, but what they do nt look to discern is that they are doing the ambiance even hotter. Air conditioners releases CFC gas when it is turned on. The CFC gas will respond with the ozone bed and deplete or do a hole. Besides that, iceboxs in any case release CFC gases when it is opened. Slowly they start infiltrating into the upper beds of the ambiance and shortly make the ozone rich stratosphere, where they undergo major chemical substance alterations. ( H. A Khemani, 2010 ) . The CFC gas will sho rtly disintegrate and the Cl atom will respond with the ozone molecule and alterations to oxygen molecule. As shortly the ozone bed alterations to oxygen molecule the ozone bed will be depleted. The most lurid fact about Chlorofluorocarbons is that they have exceptionally long atmospheric life which, in certain instances, even extends to 100 old ages. This means that if CFC refrigerants are leaked in the ambiance, they will maintain consuming ozone bed for the following 100 old ages to come. ( H. A Khemani, 2010 ) . There are other stuffs used by worlds that release CFC gas such as chemical sprays and combustion of Styrofoam stuffs.Furthermore, the addition of C dioxide degree leads to climatic alteration. Worlds are the chief people to breathe green house gasses to the environment. They emit them in a assortment of ways. The burning dodo fuel by human activities releases green house gas which is C dioxide. When there is a rise in the per centum of C dioxide in the air, the sum of heat captured by the C dioxide besides increases. ( Bidisha Mukherjee, 2010 ) . As the sum of C dioxide degree addition in the ambiance heat is trapped inside the ambiance and causes warming of the Earth. Furthermore, blacken combustion of power works besides increases the C degree in the ambiance. Burning coal produces about 9 billion metric tons of C dioxide each twelvemonth which is released to the ambiance, approximately 70 % of this being from power coevals. (, 2011 ) . In add-on mills emit more fume and harmful gases such as C dioxide, A methane, A and oxide. These gases do non merely increase the temperature of the environment but causes injury to human and animate beings.The combustion of gasolene from transit besides contributes planetary warming on a big graduated table. Burning of gasolene will increase the sum of C monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a rattling harmful gas that it can do decease to populating beings. Dusts are besides accumulated in the ambi ance.Brazil and Indonesia, which contain the universe s two largest stable parts of rain forest, are being stripped at an dismaying rate by logging, fires, and land-clearing for agribusiness and cattle-grazing. (, 2011 ) . Human activities of consuming forest illicitly have cause a major clime alteration to the environment. Men presents are selfish and do things on their favours. They think to upgrade the state with the betterment of engineering. The use of land for development of edifices makes them to cut down woods uncontrolled. Besides, illegal deforestation for importing logs to other states for concern intent causes planetary heating. Trees are needed to cut down the sum of C dioxide in the environment. By disforesting the sum will be greater and the Earth will finally acquire hotter. Excessive adopt editing of trees for urban usage and other intents is damaging to the environmental balance. ( Manali Oak,2011 ) .Opposition argues more with the point of political relations that plays a function in planetary heating excessively. Even those politicians who are brave plenty to contend for action on the issue are non stating us the whole truth. ( Mark Jeantheau, 2004 ) .The authorities is non responsible for the happening of planetary heating. They do non take any action towards illegal people who causes planetary heating and are money minded. On their head is perpetually bribe and do non believe about others. Public are non cognizant of this phenomena and take it easy. Government should be blamed for this due for non educating the populace about the make of planetary heating and point out the effects.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance

THE ROLE OF DELIBERATE PRACTICE IN THE ACQUISITION OF EXPERT PERFORMANCE Motivational Constraint A premise of our theoretical framework is that ponder practice is non inherently enjoyable and that individualists ar motivated to engage in it by its instrumental value in improving mathematical operation. Hence, interested individuals guide to be engaging in the activity and motivated to improve performance before they begin deliberate practice. Bloom (1985b) found evidence supporting this implication.His interviews with international-level performers showed that p arents typic exclusivelyy initiated deliberate practice after allowing their children several months of playful engagement in the domain and after noticing that their children expressed interest and showed signs of promise. The companionable reactions of parents and other individuals in the present(prenominal) environment must be very beta in establishing this original motivation. At the start of deliberate practice, parents help their child keep a incessant daily practice schedule and point out the instrumental value of practice for improved performance (Bloom, 1985b).With increased experience and the aid of teachers and coaches, the developing individual is able to internalize methods for assessing improvement and can thus concurrently monitor the effects of practice. As individuals get more involved in the activities of a domain, competitions and earth performances provide short-term goals for specific improvements. At this point the motivation to practice becomes so closely connected to the goal of becoming an expert performer and so integrated with the individuals daily life that motivation to practice, per se, cannot be easily assessed.Certain naturally occurring events and changes illuminate the relation between practice and performance. Activities in many another(prenominal) domains, especially sports, are seasonal because most scheduled competitions occur during a single season of t he year. If individuals enjoyed deliberate practice, they ought to practice at a uniformly high level all year. Instead, athletes train much harder during the preseason period and during the season itself during the off season they often reduce the level of training dramatically (Reilly, 1990a Reilly Secher, 1990).Many individuals who have practiced for a yearn period of time give up their aspirations to compete and excel in an activity. Without the goal of improving performance, the motivation to engage in practice vanishes. Kaminski, Mayer, and Ruoff (1984) found that many elite adolescents who decided to stop competing remained active in the domain but virtually stopped engaging in practice. Some individuals have had to terminate their master copy careers for reasons unrelated to their ability to perform.In a longitudinal study of visual artists, Getzels and Csikszentmihalyi (1976) found that most artists were drawn to painting because it allowed social isolation. However, asp iring painters have to promote social relations with art dealers, art critics, and buyers to gain notoriety, increase the demand for their art, and generate sufficient sales for full-time tasty activity. Failure to do so hale many of the best artists to take another job unrelated to painting.Once these artists could no longer commit sufficient time and energy to maintain and improve their performance they stopped painting completely because they could not accept performing at a lower level. This finding shows that the activity of painting as such is not inherently motivating but rather the act of producing art that satisfies the artists subjective criteria for quality. DANCE Abstracts 1. Fink, A. & Woschnjak, S. (2011). Creativity and personality in professional dancers. Personality and Individual Differences, 51 (6), 754-758. AbstractIn this study three different groups of professional dancers (ballet, forward-looking/contemporary and jazz/musical), which considerably vary with respect to the creativity-related demands involved in the respective dancing style, are compared with respect to psychometrically determined creativity, general mental ability and different facets of personality. Results indicate that groundbreaking-day/contemporary dancers, who are often required to freely improvise on stage, exhibited relatively high levels of verbal and figural creativity (as it was measured by means of psychometric creativity tests), followed by jazz/musical and finally by ballet dancers.With respect to personality, modern/contemporary dancers can be characterized as being less conscientious, higher on psychoticism and more open to experiences than the remaining experimental groups. In line with relevant research in this field, this study reveals some central personality characteristics of highly creative individuals which may be considered as important ingredients in the acquisition or actualization of exceptional creative potential. Highlights Dancers of d ifferent professions differ with respect to creativity and personality. Modern dancers score high on desolation and psychoticism. Modern dancers show high levels of psychometrically determined creativity. Keywords Creativity, Personality, Psychoticism, Openness, Dance 2. Martyn-Stevens, B. E. , Brown, L. E. , Beam, W. C. & Wiersma, L. D. (2012). Effects of a dance season on the physiological profile of collegiate female modern dancers. Med Sport, 16 (1), 1-5. Abstract Introduction A collegiate modern dancer is a unique athlete because in addition to the physical demands of dance, she also has the artistic demands of creating and performing for a season of showcases, or in some cases, multiple showcases.In preparing for her dance season in addition to her academic schedule, a collegiate modern dancers training includes rigorous daily technique classes and rehearsals which may alter her fitness level across time. Objective To determine the effects of a dance season on the physiologi cal profile of collegiate female modern dancers. Methods Eighteen collegiate female modern dancers were measured for relative anaerobic power, fatigue index, upper body and lower body strength, aerobic capacity and body composition at both pre and bunk dance season.Results At mail season, there were significant improvements in relative anaerobic power (pre 7. 43 + 1. 01 W/kg, post 8. 00 + 0. 78 W/kg), body weight (pre 57. 80 + 5. 10, post 58. 72 + 5. 08), and body composition (pre 18. 60 + 2. 03%, post 17. 78 + 2. 49%), and a significant increase in fatigue index (pre 33. 38 + 9. 72%, post 38. 91 + 7. 49%). There were no significant changes in relative upper and lower body strength or aerobic capacity. Conclusions The demands of a collegiate dance season resulted in improved power and lean mass but greater anaerobic fatigue in these female modern dancers

Monday, May 20, 2019


wrong Research Arnuang Bullie RES/351 Jeff Duncan November 9, 2012 In this paper I will try and discuss the unethical arguwork forcetation research conduct that has resulted in singles or a firm being convicted, or at least(prenominal) tried for, this conduct. Some questions will be what were the inappropriate questions, what were the research results, and who was involved in the maintaining of the participants confidential information, and were in that respect any acts involving the use of participant information for unintended purposes such as selling goods or services. What unethical research behavior was involved? The association I have researched is DynCorp. There was an article on this company earlier this year about DynCorp and Sex trafficking. DynCorp is a Private Military Company who gets paid by governments to protect areas, and is likely to take on the same roles as soldiers. Many times these companies are looked at lightly and not really researched. * Who were the i njured parties? While working in Bosnia middle aged men were having sex with 12-15 year old children, and sold them to each former(a) as slaves.According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt presidential term Act (RICO) lawsuit filed in Texas on behalf of a former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, in the latter part of 1999 Johnston well-read that employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior and were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and participating in other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased (OMeara, 2002). How has the unethical behavior affected the organization, the individual, and society? In the summer of 2005, the United States Defense department drafted a proposal to prohibit defense contractor sake in human trafficki ng for forced prostitution and labor. several(prenominal) defense contractors, among others, DynCorp, stalled the establishment of a final proposal that would formally prohibit defense contractor involvement in these activities. On June 2, 2000, members of the 48th Military Police Detachment conducted a sting on the DynCorp repair shed at Comanche Base Camp, one of two U.S. bases in Bosnia, and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. (OMeara, 2002). * How could the unethical behavior be avoided or resolved? Since these allegations were raised more than a decade ago, the Company has changed ownership and leadership authentic a strict Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, which includes a zero tolerance policy on human trafficking created the position of Chief Compliance Officer introduced global training programs and has taken a procedure of steps to ensure a compliant, ethical, successful work purpose.It is both good and commendable that DynCorp has taken steps since those eld to ensure such things never happen again (Isenberg, 2012). These situations are hard to know if they are exit to happen but, by putting the strict Code of Ethics and Business Conduct in place should help regulate what else goes on. References Isenberg, D. (2012, February 10). The DynCorp See no Evil Monkey. Huffington Post, p. . OMeara, K. P. (2002, January). US DynCorp Disgrace. Insight Magazine, ().

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Differences between types of economies

There are three main types of economies in the world according to the types of business they do 1. Agriculture based miserliness This is the oldest form of economies in the world. The economy by its nature has small firms and has a limited economy of scale. The economy is usually prevalent in third world countries like Vietnam 2. Industrial economy An industrial economy is stronger than an agricultural one, ascribable to the bigger size of firms and higher society will tend to wipe out large firms, as industry has a substantial economy of scale.Mnay of the countries st cheated their developent stages from this type of economy 3. Service Economy A service-based economy has its size aquiline on the types of sevices it provides. This means not all industrial firms will be huge in size, and as yet they basinnot be considered as an economically weaker section. (Plexico n. d. ) Examples of all of these hind end be seen in the world, but the much modern countries of the world a re moving or have already moved from the first through the secant to the third.The US was the first country to become predominantly a Service economy (Plexico n. d. ) Impact of Computers on Business Computer science is at a stage at which it can do more for the economy, more for the way business is done (Gates 2004) Many people believe that the single most historic change in the society in recent times has been brought about by the introduction of computers. The three types of economies which were described in the earlier section have all been significantly affected by the stratagem of computers.Initially Business used computers for only keeping track of accounts, money, or items that they need, but things changes at a lightning pace. It can be said that the speed, accuracy, the ability to do repetitive tasks are the backbone of todays research, manufacturing and production units. These characteristics also brought about the advent of the fall in Age of Information. The develop ment of the World Wide electronic network is a major breakthrough in the advancement of communication (Ayers 2007). The information age brought about the ideal of global markets to the industrial and agriculture section.While the prior age concept of trade sounds pretty close, the contrariety is in the nature of open-markets, which are possible only because consumers know what is in that location for sale practically everywhere in the world. While for service sector too the open markets mean the wider scope for selling, the services themselves can be performed at much lower rates in different parts of the world. The open markets have in turn brought up the standard of product and service quality, as now the consumers have umpteen options available for their purchases.There are newer ways of buying and selling available to consumers, like the e-businesses, where one can practically shop or sell without leaving his home. In fact many economists believe that due to the advent of computers, the business has changed from being selling oriented where consumers had to buy the products closely resembling their needs, to being consumer oriented where consumers needs are the base for making newer products, and companies then design elaborate marketing plans to pamper the consumers so that they actually buy the particular product or service.Speculation about the future impact of Computers on Business Computers have affected the business methods so much that many people consider that theatre is saturated. This is notwithstanding not the case, according to the point of view of many scientist and engineers. The argument given here is that, man the computers have improved a lot from the time when it was the prerogative of a few select scientists and researchers, to the present usage by hundreds of millions of people the port wine needs to be brought much closer to the common man, peculiarly in third world countries.The first major impact would be when the compu ters would have perfected the art of conversation. The ability to speak to our computers is a critical part of the interface we will end up with (Ayers 2007). This would brand the computers seem more human to people. Another major improvement would be a perfect transmutation capability, which means people would no longer be hampered when they are interacting with a prospective buyer or seller from a different culture. Some other possible uses would be a cheaper single interface which would connect a person to his office, vehicle and home all times from any part of the world.This would mean, there would no longer be any formal office locations. This possibility is a very original one, with many people already subscribing to the this work from home or any part of the world concept, however it is still not a part of the popular culture As is seen the computers have and would still extend to impact the way business is done. The technical advances have been phenomenal and would conti nue to be at the similar pace, bringing the world closer. However, to integrate these technologies to modify ways of business would be up to the members of the business community.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Innocent Smoothies

ingenuous drink case study analysis innocent(p) drinks are a unmatched business selling 100% natural fruit smoothies. (Innocent drinks) There are umteen factors that contribute to the partnerships successful development so far. Firstly, and most importantly, their unique selling point which is using salutary fresh fruit in their drinks. This is a major strength to the telephoner as they fit in todays trend of a healthy eating lifestyle. They contain blush much antioxidants than the bonnie five a day (Adams 2007). Moreover Innocent has environmentally friendly packaging their bottles are get in with simple product information in iodin colour.Straight away(p) this makes it stand out more than the rest on that shop shelf. They were the first company in the world to put drinks on shelves in 100% recycled plastic bottles (Oracle 2008). However they did not carry out in depth research, they only asked consumers one question Do you think we should give up our jobs to make these smoothies? (Bains et. al. 2008). No questions related to the product that could serve up them in the future were asked. Moreover the founders abided by their principles and they only produced their products how they wanted to.This had moved them from a niche securities industry to a nationalised company, now holding more than half of the securities industry share. Furthermore they have met their social responsibilities in many ways such as projects in India, providing food for the homeless and the big knit- providing warmth for the elderly. We knit 20,000 hats to raise ? 10,000 money for Age Concern (Innocent drinks) Another factor of success to Innocent is their fun and familiar business style. Their organisational structure is unique as their staff get bon mathematical functions on having children and snowboarding holidays.Even their website is fun-filled excitement it has its induce attractive style it tells you everything about them. Lester (2007) explains Their Companys offices are among the friendliest and relaxed in the world However the difficulties that companys like Innocent drinks face are firstly lack of experience and knowledge. Lester (2007) describes Its founders had no true(a) experience in the sector. Moreover raising crown, the founders of Innocent being foolish gave their jobs up straight away without any solid plans.Lester (2007) explains They enquireed to raise money to buy fruit and bottles and get the smoothies made. However capital problems basin be solved by finding Business Angels. Innocent also found theirs a wealthy American Maurice Pinto, had the experience and the money he was highly impressed by Innocent. Maurice decided to place ? 250,000 in return for 20% stake in the business (Lester 2007). Furthermore many innovative businesses decry things like how much raw material they allow for bring, this was similar to Innocent. They had only ever made lesser quantities of their juices but were looking to set off ac ross the nation (Lester 2007). But using fresh fruits meant that the drinks will be perishable quicker and will have to be sold really quickly. Having too many founders can also be an obstacle to a small business. Innocent had three founders, which meant there were conflicts and every determination had to be discussed and debated before reaching a conclusion. This can slow down progress. Innocent have many more business opportunities now that they are a successfully developed business.They have already started to expand their product commit in making further products like desserts. They could furthermore develop their product range from ice-creams to maybe even meals, keeping to their principles of healthy eating. Moreover, with the right market research, if these products became successful, they could even open up shops, even restaurants or cafes and possibly start selling online too. These are opportunities because By differentiating the products or service the company subjoin the value of its operators and hence, improves performance (Bradley 2002 p21).They could further enhance their existing products starting with newly packaging, a new style, new combination of colours or even new sizes (king/snack size). Ali (2001 pg 24) suggests firms should Keep products fresh by introducing new variants and improved versions. Using incentives is a good way to get attention, Innocent could offer a rid soft toy cow, or a free membership pass to a gym. Innocent use testimonials on their website, they could use famous faces to make these testimonials stand out more.Ali (2001 p11) also explains that a business should reflection at the various aspects of their business that customers use to form a view of you Lastly Innocent could betray big charity events and music shows, this way they are being ethically responsible and they raise sentiency about their products. All of these suggestions would contribute to reducing the risk of business failure for Innocent drinks in the future. Innocent is a flying growing business and one of the most successful. However Page, Ralph and Jones (1989 p 1-55) explain fast growth in a short period of time is a threat.Having to produce on a large scale and making deliveries on time can be difficult. Forecasting demand and market growth is essential firms almost fail predicting this incorrectly. A fast growing business like Innocent, deprivation to keep track of forecasts as accurately as they can, or they can lose their reputation and money. For example, Firms need skill in measuring and forecasting the size, growth, and profit potential (Kotler 1994 p 245). Also Innocent will have to be aware of changing trends and tastes in their market, drastic changes in the market can shanghai Innocent.However there are also external threats to Innocent like competition (Myroslaw 1987 p 45). They need to keep a constant watch on competitors to make comparisons with their own business. Moreover change in economic conditio ns effect firms, currently the economy is suffering a recession (www. news. bbc. co. uk) during these times it would be outmatch to lower prices. Even more technology changes can be threatening to the position of a firm, Innocent might need to update their current technology and re-train their employees.Finally meeting their liabilities, avoiding bad debts and cash geological period problems will contribute to a firms success. In conclusion Innocent drinks is proven to be a surprisingly successful business even after all the struggles, they came through as a strong and honest business. However they now need to be extra careful because they have reached a high level of success, and the higher you are the harder it becomes to maintain that position. Word count 1,062 Bibliography Anthony S. Page, Ralph C.Jones (1989) Business Growth How to accomplish and Sustain It, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 10(2) p 1-55. Ali, M. (2001) Marketing Effectively, Hampton, Dorling K indersley. Baines, P. Fill, C. and Page, K. (2008) Marketing. Oxford Oxford University Press. Bradley, F. (2002) International Marketing Strategy, Dublin, Pearson Education. Kotler, P. (1994) Marketing Management, USA, assimilator Hall. Myroslaw J. (1987) customer service competition business to business and industrial market Journal of Business & industrial Marketing, 2(4) p45-52. ttp//www. innocentdrinks. co. uk/us/? Page=our_story Accessed 21/11/08 http//www. innocentdrinks. co. uk/bored/ Accessed 21/11/08 http//money. aol. co. uk/small-business/innocent-drinks-coming-to-fruition/article/20070814091309990004 Accessed 19/11/08 http//www. oracle. com/customers/snapshots/innocent-drinks-demantra-snapshot. pdf Accessed 21/11/08 http//www. drinks-business-review. com/article_feature. asp? guid=55937F47-8134-4E4F-A9A4-881AE440062F Accessed 21/11/08 http//news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/magazine/7686531. stm Accessed 01/12/08

Racism In America

racism is e actuallywhere in about different forms. I remember in 8th grade, I went to Walgreen to get some organize-up products. As was just searching through the products kept see, a noblewoman behind me. So I walked a counseling and she kept following me, so decided to leave and as I was leaving she asked me if she could see my backpack. So I gave it to her, she thought I was stealing because I was lightlessness. And from that solar daytime on lighten realized that there was mum racialism in the States. Even though racism was bad back then it is calm very prevalent and one and exclusively(a) of the worlds major issues.Many people atomic number 18 non aw be of how a lot racism tranquillise exist in our schools, mouldforces, and anywhere else social lives are occurring. Between the days 1 450 though 1850 around 14 cardinal Afri lav the Statesns were shipped to colonies in magnetic north the States, South America and North Indies. more than or less 90% Of these African Americans were kidnapped. And about 20-30% of them died on the route to these pressries. These African American were know as oblige servants, which were a form of debt bondage that occurred in the early years of American colonies. And in 1 628 they started to rat these African Americans same(p) a piece of object.African men were sell for about $27 ND would underwrite as a striver for their entire life. Women and children would be sell for about $60. In the late 1660 the trans-Atlantic slave trade begins. And from the early 1 6th to the mid-19th century about 12 million to 13 million African Americans were interpreted away and sold. And in 1 787, thrall is made illegal by the nor-west Territory. A few years later in 1808 carnal knowledge bans the kidnapping of slaves in Africa. And the Missouri compromise bans slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri.During the slavery epoch which was from (1787-1863), bity laws, acts, and amendments were created, s ome that helped slavery just many an(prenominal) that banned it. In 1860 the Missouri Compromise was passed which prohibit the holding and ownerships Of slaves in the territory of the linked States north Of the line. Also the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were passed which abolished slavery, made all African Americans free, and lastly allowed African American man to vote. And then in 1964, this biggest law that helped separationism in America was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.This law abolished sequestration in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. This acts helped crease the amount of segregation and racism in America. Even though there is still racism in America today. parachuting to present day, racism is still very active today because of the media. As we grow up the media becomes start up of our everyday life whether we like it or non. The media is a major part of how racism is still very active in todays golf-club. Since the early days the media has given racial labels. For example, in crime proves such as Law and Order, and CSS. When you think of crime, African Americans are the ones reflected as the bad guys. And the gabardines are often reflected at the good guy. The directors and writers use racial stereotypes to make a more interesting story with more suspects or people to target. Most types they target blacks because its diff take hold to point the finger at an easy target. America sees blacks as not capable or as important as whites. Racial favouritisms is a big treat in luggage compartment of work in America. though is is not as noticeable as it was in the sasss it is still very prevalent today. Studies even show people of color are the last hired, and the first fired.Even though we amaze Affirmative action which is used for diversity in the workplace, so hat discrimination can not be apart of the work environment. But thats not really the case owners of companies can unendingly find away around the system. If we spirit at the bigger picture, in many big companies you but see people of color as the top guy like the CEO. You always see a white man in those positions. My mamma once today me that one of her friends was applying for a job and her nominate was really ghetto, so you could set up that she was black. So she applied and didnt get the job.A few months later she decided to apply for the job again, with a name that you could tell was white, and she ended p getting the job. Discrimination in the workplace is still very prevalent, and although the awareness of discrimination has been increasing, some companies still face this problem. Racism has been so rampant(ip) in schools, and is delivered in many different forms. Some of the forms of racism in schools include name-calling, teasing, literal abuse, and even bullying. Racism is experienced by all kinds of people in school. Racism in schools has a big effect on individuals, and the training environment.Racism in schools is enhanced by discriminatory policies and practices that exist in the school system. Some of these instances are ignoring incidents of racism, universe bib in disciplinary acts against students establish on their race. If we tonicity at it most teachers are shopping mall class white women, which can cause schools to be hand by their values and beliefs of their classroom. Even today, I have noticed that most cloistered schools are prominently white. Use to attend a private school when was in middle school, and I was the only black girl in class. And many measure would get ignorant remarks from the students. Member one day, I was session down and this girl came up to me ND asked do you live on trees and ride elephants. I was taken aback. Even though there is still racism in schools we have come a huge one since the first desegregated school in Alabama. The Little Rock Nine where one first African American students to attend an all white school. Racism and un concern treatment had always been prevalent in the criminal justice system. African Americans have always been under control of the whites. The most effective way for the whites to keep that control would be though the criminal justice system.For example, in How to Kill a flouter a African American male child named Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white girl named manly Lowell. In the end the verdict, Tom was launch guilty of charged. Similarly, around 1 940 a little boy names Emmett Till was murdered in Mississippi by two white man for mash with one of the man s wife. afterwards Tills body was found and the two white men, Were linked to Tills body they Went on trial. The two men Were discharge Of Emmett Tills murder. This shows the power the criminal justice system has over African Americans. This is still prevalent today.In early 2012 grip Martin was fatally shot and killed my George Zimmerman. And in July 201 3 Silverman was found not guilty of all the charges against him. After this A merica was stunned many were upset and sadden. This shows that racism is very much in the criminal justice system. Lastly, racism is not only toward African Americans. Many races has experienced some type of racism. On September 1 1, 2001 four planes were hijacked by terrorist. And after that day many heart and soul Easterners experienced racism especially in airports. Many airports where strict on who that allowed in and out of the charcoal States.Anyone who looked Middle Eastern was examined even more than anyone else. Also on December 7. 1941 the Nipponese bombed Pearl Harbor. olibanum making the Unites States skeptical of every Japanese American. So they gathered all the Japanese people and correct them in concentration camp. This act of racism toward Japanese was very viscous and made them feel like they didnt belong. In the end, they say you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, yet everyday single day someone is cosmos judged based on their skin color. Even though racism is bad, it is still macrocosm practiced in schools, workplaces, media, and the rimming justice system.Racism in AmericaRobert Kim May 2011 Sociological Imagination Racism in America Is America in a Post Racial Era? What sort of impact does racism have in our society? In America, its quite well known that we finally have the first black president in, it is also generally agreed upon that racism is unacceptable in society, and most of us would consider ourselves live to one an new(prenominal) regardless of race. Obviously, we still have people who are racist and the idea that these people impart go away completely is almost unbelievable.Racism is the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others. And it can also mean abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief. Racism office that people have negative and condesce nding thoughts about others based on their race. Some of the most notorious acts of racism in the United States occurred in the 1800s and 1900s which involved the discrimination against Indians and African Americans.In the 1800s, Americans believed that the Native Americans should be take off their land or forced to draw into American society. The many Native Americans who chose not to assimilate were forced off their land into reserves so they would remain separate from society. The concept became policy in 1825, with the creation of an Indian Country between the Red and Missouri Rivers followed by the Removal Act of 1830, atomic number 82 to the relocation of many eastern tribes.Continuing non-Indian expansion, however, caused the so-called permanent Indian Territory to dwindle in coat (Waldman, Carl). The removal act attempted to remove Indians off their land and segregate them from each other and then, The fight was that instead of one large Indian Country, lands were divi ded up piecemeal, with tribes confined to separate parcels with specific boundaries (Waldman, Carl). And because of these acts, American Indians started to fight back for their land and their rights, which led to several American Indian wars.Eventually, American Indians were pushed so cold away from society that they appear today as almost non-existent. Its very rare nowadays to go a legitimate Native American because of these acts of discrimination against their race. The other well known historical event involved the African Americans in America who were discriminated against harshly, considered as property, and used primarily as slaves. Slavery was based on racist beliefs and thoughts that African Americans were inferior to white Americans. The three-fifths clause is the most infamous part of the composition in so far as black Americans are concerned. This is because it formalizes racism and white supremacy in the document, reflecting the debased, dehumanized status of Africa n peoples in the minds of the Constitutions framers (Smith, Robert). This act was used for political reasons in order to eyeshade for how many African people are living in the United States so that they could be taxed and delineate in congress.This just shows that even the government believed that racism was acceptable and they were barely considered people. Southern states believed that these slaves were considered property and didnt want to include them as part of the population, but for political purposes, congress wanted to add them into the count in population for political power. Racism has probably impacted African Americans the most because of how much they had to provide during the time of slavery. Even still today, African Americans suffer from some forms of racism.After African Americans were freed from slavery and considered as equal citizens, no one would accept them as equal and they were still being discriminated against. African Americans were still being mistreate d, terrorized against, and unable to participate in the same schooling or education as white Americans. African Americans werent considered equal and because of racism, people still thought of them as inferior and unequal just because they believed that they were born(p) and meant to be servants.Even the government refused to accept African Americans as equals and the government created laws to restrict the rights of African Americans so that they wouldnt be able to interact in society equally. After segregation had finally ended, African Americans were considered equal in society and are able to live without as much discrimination against them. We are not yet in a Post Racial Era because racism and race are still playing a role in our judgment and categorization of how we interact with other people.Barrack Obama is the first and only African American President to sit in office, even with America accepting and voting in the first non-white President, there are still many issues wit h racism in the United States. We are not in a Post Racial Era because people still have hatred against other people solely based on race and although they may not be able to express their ideas publicly, it still exists in peoples minds and their actions may even reflect those thoughts. Bibliography Smith, Robert C. three-fifths clause in the U. S. Constitution. cyclopedia of African-American Politics. New York Facts On File, Inc. , 2003. African-American History Online. Facts on File, Inc. http//www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp ItemID=WE01&iPin=EAAP0399&SingleRecord= received(accessed April25,2011). Waldman, Carl. U. S. Indian policy Removal and reservations. Atlas of the North American Indian, Third Edition. New York Facts On File, Inc. , 2009. American Indian History Online. Facts On File, Inc. http//www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp ItemID=WE43&iPin=ind5509&SingleRecord=True(accessed April25,2011).Racism In AmericaRacism is everywhere in many different forms. I re member in 8th grade, I went to Walgreen to get some make-up products. As was just searching through the products kept see, a lady behind me. So I walked away and she kept following me, so decided to leave and as I was leaving she asked me if she could see my backpack. So I gave it to her, she thought I was stealing because I was black. And from that day on still realized that there was still racism in America. Even though racism was bad back then it is still very prevalent and one of the worlds major issues.Many people are not aware of how much racism still exist in our schools, workforces, and anywhere else social lives are occurring. Between the years 1 450 though 1850 about 14 million African Americans were shipped to colonies in North America, South America and North Indies. About 90% Of these African Americans were kidnapped. And about 20-30% of them died on the route to these countries. These African American were know as indentured servants, which were a form of debt bondage that occurred in the early years of American colonies. And in 1 628 they started to sell these African Americans like a piece of object.African men were sold for about $27 ND would serve as a slave for their entire life. Women and children would be sold for about $60. In the late 1660 the trans-Atlantic slave trade begins. And from the early 1 6th to the mid-19th century about 12 million to 13 million African Americans were taken away and sold. And in 1 787, slavery is made illegal by the Northwest Territory. A few years later in 1808 Congress bans the kidnapping of slaves in Africa. And the Missouri Compromise bans slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri.During the slavery era which was from (1787-1863), many laws, acts, and amendments were created, some that helped slavery but many that banned it. In 1860 the Missouri Compromise was passed which prohibited the holding and ownerships Of slaves in the territory of the United States north Of the line. Also the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were passed which abolished slavery, made all African Americans free, and lastly allowed African American man to vote. And then in 1964, this biggest law that helped segregation in America was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.This law abolished segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. This acts helped crease the amount of segregation and racism in America. Even though there is still racism in America today. Jumping to present day, racism is still very active today because of the media. As we grow up the media becomes part of our everyday life whether we like it or not. The media is a major part of how racism is still very active in todays society. Since the early days the media has given racial labels. For example, in crime shows such as Law and Order, and CSS. When you think of crime, African Americans are the ones reflected as the bad guys. And the whites are often reflected at the good guy. The directors and writers use racial stere otypes to make a more interesting story with more suspects or people to target. Most types they target blacks because its easy to point the finger at an easy target. America sees blacks as not capable or as important as whites. Racial discriminations is a big treat in workplace in America. Though is is not as noticeable as it was in the sasss it is still very prevalent today. Studies even show people of color are the last hired, and the first fired.Even though we have Affirmative action which is used for diversity in the workplace, so hat discrimination can not be apart of the work environment. But thats not really the case owners of companies can always find away around the system. If we look at the bigger picture, in many big companies you barely see people of color as the top guy like the CEO. You always see a white man in those positions. My mom once today me that one of her friends was applying for a job and her name was really ghetto, so you could tell that she was black. So s he applied and didnt get the job.A few months later she decided to apply for the job again, with a name that you could tell was white, and she ended p getting the job. Discrimination in the workplace is still very prevalent, and although the awareness of discrimination has been increasing, some companies still face this problem. Racism has been so rampant in schools, and is expressed in many different forms. Some of the forms of racism in schools include name-calling, teasing, verbal abuse, and even bullying. Racism is experienced by all kinds of people in school. Racism in schools has a big effect on individuals, and the learning environment.Racism in schools is enhanced by discriminatory policies and practices that exist in the school system. Some of these instances are ignoring incidents of racism, being bib in disciplinary acts against students based on their race. If we look at it most teachers are middle class white women, which can cause schools to be run by their values and beliefs of their classroom. Even today, I have noticed that most private schools are prominently white. Use to attend a private school when was in middle school, and I was the only black girl in class. And many times would get ignorant remarks from the students. Member one day, I was sitting down and this girl came up to me ND asked do you live on trees and ride elephants. I was taken aback. Even though there is still racism in schools we have come a long one since the first desegregated school in Alabama. The Little Rock Nine where one first African American students to attend an all white school. Racism and unequal treatment had always been prevalent in the criminal justice system. African Americans have always been under control of the whites. The most effective way for the whites to keep that control would be though the criminal justice system.For example, in How to Kill a Mockingbird a African American boy named Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white girl named Male Lowell. In the end the verdict, Tom was found guilty of charged. Similarly, around 1 940 a little boy names Emmett Till was murdered in Mississippi by two white man for flirting with one of the man s wife. After Tills body was found and the two white men, Were linked to Tills body they Went on trial. The two men Were acquitted Of Emmett Tills murder. This shows the power the criminal justice system has over African Americans. This is still prevalent today.In early 2012 Traction Martin was fatally shot and killed my George Zimmerman. And in July 201 3 Silverman was found not guilty of all the charges against him. After this America was stunned many were upset and sadden. This shows that racism is very much in the criminal justice system. Lastly, racism is not only toward African Americans. Many races has experienced some type of racism. On September 1 1, 2001 four planes were hijacked by terrorist. And after that day many Middle Easterners experienced racism especially in airports. Many airp orts where strict on who that allowed in and out of the Lignite States.Anyone who looked Middle Eastern was examined even more than anyone else. Also on December 7. 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Thus making the Unites States skeptical of every Japanese American. So they gathered all the Japanese people and put them in concentration camp. This act of racism toward Japanese was very viscous and made them feel like they didnt belong. In the end, they say you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, yet everyday single day someone is being judged based on their skin color. Even though racism is bad, it is still being practiced in schools, workplaces, media, and the rimming justice system.