Friday, August 2, 2019

Rationale for Ptlls

Rationale My topic will be based around Employability Skills: Why is a CV so important, what should it include and how to put your CV together. I am currently not in a teacher/tutor role right now but I work in recruitment and I find and place suitable candidates within the training and WBL arena. As this is what I currently do for my job I am comfortable delivering this subject to a group of learners. My aim is for my learners To Understand the Importance of Putting Together a Good CV and How to Do it.My learners will make up of 3 of my fellow colleagues from my PTLLS course and will be delivered on the 26th November in a classroom at college. Prior to the session I will prepare a PowerPoint presentation which will include aims and objectives of the session, the CV examples, the group task and the final outcome. I will back up this presentation on a USB stick. I have chosen this resource to enable the learners to engage immediately and digest the subject matter whilst I am introduci ng myself, the aims and objectives.By having a visual resource at the beginning of the session the learners can start to digest the information whilst I am delivering it aurally. This will appeal to the two preferred learning styles and gain interest and engagement from the start. The PowerPoint will keep me and my delivery on track and not veering off the subject. The aim and objective will also be written on my white board or flip chart which will remain up during the whole session. This is to remind the learners of the subject and they can refer to it during the group work task.I will arrange the room so the group can sit together and can see the presentation and can see the whiteboard. I will ask the group to leave their bags and coats at the back of the room to avoid any trip hazards or distractions. As the group already know each other I will not need to introduce an ice breaker. I do not yet know whether they have any special requirements. In preparing for my micro teach I dr aw on information and research around my current employment.I will research the criteria that are needed for a CV, what the prospective employers want to see a CV and the most effective format to use. I will prepare in advance a handout of a good and bad example of a CV. I will also prepare a list of key descriptive words to use in a CV in case we finish too quickly. I will begin my session by introducing myself, my aims and objectives. I will ask if anyone has any previous experience in putting together a CV and if so how long ago it was. The objectives of the session: 1. To listen to the introduction and information about the session. . Understand the importance of a good CV 3. Discuss the good and bad aspects of a sample CV 4. Identify skills and abilities when writing a CV 5. Answer questions and recap. I will introduce the subject by asking questions about their previous experience of writing a CV, was it short, long, bulleted or paragraphed? I will ask them why a CV is so impo rtant and how they can create a good first impression. By asking these open questions I will be drawing on the learner’s previous experience and getting them involved.I can introduce English functional skills here as they will need to ensure it’s written and presented properly with no grammar or spelling mistakes. I will explain that the next task is a group work session where they will be given a copy of a poorly written CV as a handout. They will need to identify the good parts of the CV that are relevant and the parts that are not needed. After this period I will ask them to present their findings which I will write up on the flip chart. I will display on my presentation the layout of the preferred style of CV and ask the group if they have any questions.This will enable them to clarify any information or offer any ideas they may have. I will then handout a formatted copy of the original CV and how it should look. I will ask the learners to discuss what is different with this version relay back to me. This will appeal to the different preferred styles of learning, written, aural and reading. I will use everyone’s name when asking or answering a question, I will make eye contact equally and if someone is not involved I will ask them direct or hypothetical questions.I will use the 7 W processes in asking my questions. If I overrun I will use the last previous CV version as a handout for the learners to take with them, if I run out of time I will introduce my Use of Descriptive CV Words doc. I will summarise the session by relating to the aims and objectives on the flip chart and by referring to the handouts for future reference when putting together a CV. I will thank them for their time and tell them the session is over.

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