Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Along lines of Process and emotional struggle with ADHD in the Family Research Paper

Along lines of Process and emotional struggle with ADHD in the Family - Research Paper Example It is because of the abnormal function of the brain that certain disorders are seen in the human beings.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is an example of such a disorder which diminishes the normal functions of the brain. Initially it was thought that ADHD only occurred in adults but it has been found that this condition also affects adults. This essay would revolve around the perspectives of ADHD and as to how it affects the children. ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition which is characterized by lack of attention or concentration for a long period of time. It is because of this characteristic that the persons suffering from ADHD have difficulty in carrying out their daily life activities.This essay would revolve around the diagnosis of ADHD along with the treatment and other related issues of ADHD (Grosenbach 2000 & Whiteman et al 1995).Historical Context In order to understand the basics of ADHD it is necessary that it is studied in its historical context. ADHD was first d iscovered in the early eighteenth century by George Still. The name given to the disorder has changed ever since its discovery.George Still conducted a research to find out that 20 children were suffering from the problem of attention deficiency. It was here that he put forward a theory regarding these children that they may be suffering from a genetic problem.George Still named the disorder as the Defect of Moral Thought.... In 1970s more symptoms were associated with the disorder and this formed a complete spectrum for the disorder. It was in 1980s that the name Adult Deficiency Disorder came into being and was included in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual III of American Psychiatric Association. In 1987 the name was changed to Adult Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder and the non stimulant drugs to treat this disorder were introduced in 2003 (Fitzgerald et al 2007; Londrie 2006). Diagnosis The diagnosis of ADHD is based on psychiatric assessment along with a discussion with the peers close to the child. Questionnaires are also used to assess the skills of the child on the basis of which he is diagnosed. It is through these methods that the data is collected and then compared to the standards of Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM IV) for North America and with International Statistical Classification of diseases and related health problems (ICD 10) for European countries. The sign s and symptoms laid down by ICD and DSM IV are then compared to see if the child is suffering from the problems laid down in it or not (Berger 2008). The sign and symptoms of ADHD are anxiety, irritability, lack of concentration and difficulty in completing organized tasks. The child suffering from ADHD has difficulties in taking his own decision and seeks the help of others in completing the tasks in his life (Whiteman et al 1995; Grosenbach 2000). Bipolar Disorder should be diagnosed properly as at times it gets difficult to differentiate between certain disorders and bipolar disorders. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the disorders which have similar symptoms as Bipolar Disorder. It is necessary for a health

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