Friday, May 8, 2020

Life at Purchase College - 671 Words

Life at Purchase College Founded in 1967, Purchase College which is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges was founded by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He envisioned a major publicly funded university system. Purchase would individually combine on one campus, an art school training in the visual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences. The site selected was a 500-acre working farm, originally the property of Thomas Thomas, a Revolutionary War hero. Purchase College consists of three different schools: School of the Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of the Arts, and the School of Liberal Studies and Continuing Education. Within those three schools, there are over 40 majors and minors an undergraduate student can study in. For Graduate students there are 7 Majors, Artist Diplomas, and Performers Certificates students can apply to. Purchase College encourages you to submit scores from all test sittings of the SAT, ACT or SAT Subject Tests. However, SAT subject tests are not required for admission. Purchase College evaluates thousands of capable applicants each year for admission, access to your full testing profile allows the admissions counselors to fully and fairly assess each applicant. The Office of Admissions maintains a review process with a focus on the quality of your academic program, your cumulative academic average, your test scores and your supplemental application. Purchase CollegeShow MoreRelatedShould Student Debt Go Beyond?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesmake life easier as opposed to ending education with a high school diploma. With the shortage of career opportunities, jobs are becoming more competitive and most require higher education. College has become necessary and so consequently, it has become more expensive. 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