Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emiratisation Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emiratisation - Thesis Proposal Example By 2005, up to 29,000 nationals had registered in the national  job  seeking  body; among them were those who had never been employed while others had only had high school certificates and no further evidence of higher education.  The government sought to reassure nationals’ priority in the recruitment and hiring processes in the private sector by establishing laws compelling privately owned companies to  employ  nationals in case of any openings.  This move by the UAE government has given nationals an  entitlement  to jobs, which has, in turn, lead to them being unappreciative of their jobs and at the same time, employers do not  take  them seriously (Kerr 24). Imposing the employment of nationals to the UAE private sector has resulted in the nationals thinking possess the right to a job resulting in them becoming unmotivated and adopt a relaxed attitude towards the job.  This has  consequently  compelled  company  managers to  limit  the workload on nationals as the employers  consider  the former as  flippant  in performing their duties. In addition, these private companies have to pay hefty salaries to inexperienced University graduates who  demand  salaries above the more professionally  experienced  and  qualified  expatriates. Further to receiving hefty salaries, these nationals expect to receive  rapid  promotions despite their minimal  work  input  (Al-Ali 369). Such demands  place  company  managers at a disadvantageous  position  as they have to  balance  the company’s need for profitability against the fact that they cannot fire unproductive employees who are natio nals of UAE (Kerr 26). Providing employment to those poorly  qualified  and  inexperienced  is  detrimental  to the performance of companies and the economy as a whole. This is because this move impedes on business’ progress, which may lead to downsizing, compounding the problem that emiratization

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