Monday, September 30, 2019

Business Travel Booking Market Trends & Forecast Essay

†¢The report examines reasons, other than lower ticket prices, that are most likely to influence business travelers to opting for one airline over another †¢The report identifies key factors, other than lower rental costs, that are most likely to make business travelers choose one car rental company over another †¢The report assesses the importance of travel meta-search options for creating business travel plans, and identifies popular travel meta-search websites used by business travelers in the last six months. †¢The report identifies key factors that are decisive for hotel bookings †¢The report examines how companies manage business travel bookings †¢The report identifies key reasons for cutbacks in premium travel plans †¢The report examines the staying patterns of executive when a business trip is extended to a leisure trip †¢The report assesses executives’ viewpoints about cutbacks in group incentive travel programs Complete Report Available at http://marketreportsstore. com/changing-trends-in-business-travel-booking/ . Scope The report features the opinions of travel and tourism industry respondents about the changing trends in business travel booking covering the following aspects: †¢Companies’ approaches to business travel booking †¢Key factors for airline selection †¢Decisive criteria for airline booking †¢Key parameters for car rental company choices †¢Factors influencing hotel-booking decisions †¢Extension of business trips for leisure purposes – additional days’ leisure spend †¢Extension of business trips for leisure purposes – staying preferences †¢Significance of travel meta-search options †¢Popular travel meta-search websites. †¢Cutback expectations for group incentive travel programs †¢Reasons for cutbacks in premium travel plans Inquire for discount @ http://marketreportsstore. com/discount/? rname=14250 . Reasons to buy †¢The report highlights companies’ approaches to business travel bookings, enabling travel operators to restructure their business travel plans. †¢The report enables readers to take strategic decisions by understanding the relevance of travel meta-search options, and identifying popular travel meta-search websites used by business travelers. †¢The report examines key factors influencing executives’ airline and hotel-booking decisions. This will help companies to improve customer service and implement development strategies. †¢The report provides cutback expectations about group incentive travel programs, which are likely to influence growth prospects. †¢The report highlights staying preferences during extensions of business trips to leisure trips, along with the number of extra days spent for leisure purposes. This will help to gauge consumer behavior. Buy a Copy of the Report at http://marketreportsstore. com/purchase? rname=14250 For more reports on Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Click here Contact sales@marketreportsstore. com / Call +1 888 391 5441 for further information on â€Å"Changing Trends in Business Travel Booking† report OR for any other market research and intelligence needs you may have for your business.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

What Impacts Will the Aging Population of Germany Have on Its Economy

The objective of this research paper is to explore, analyze and survey the implications of Germany’s demographics on the country’s economy. The motivation behind this study is to add to the understanding of social-economic issues in one of the Eurozone’s heavyweights and its impact for years to come. This paper looks into Germany’s demographic trends, consumption trends, savings trends, Germany's pension policy and labor market effects.This paper draws on estimates and analyses from relevant literature, including scholarly journals and government publications to illustrate and quantify its points. Conclusions drawn from this study shows that the definitive impact of population aging on economic growth is reflected in consumption, savings, labor pool and dependency burdens. Practical implications can be surmised from this paper; policy makers, native citizens, immigrants and other stakeholders might wish to refer to this paper for an understanding and persp ective of the social phenomenon and derive solutions to problems in its sphere.However there are limitations to this research as it is done through literature review and the demographic-economic variables are not constant. Further research will be required to gather concise and quantifiable data to support its claims. Introduction Germany's aging problem is serious because during the past 30 years, German women have produced children at an average rate of less than 1. 4 babies per lifetime (Tim Colebatch, 2004). In 2009 The Federal Statistic's Office (Germany) forecast Germany's rapidly aging population was likely to decline by 20 percent to around 65 million by 2060.The drop will be accompanied by a dramatic shift in the amount of elderly people in Germany. Of the country's current 81 million inhabitants, some 20. 6 percent are now aged 65 (2011). But in 2060, assuming that fertility rate remain constant and life expectancy increase at a steady rate, that percentage will increase t o 33 percent. Following a rapid recovery from the 2008-2009 recessions, economic growth has slowed in the second half of 2011 for Germany (OECD,2012).Policy makers are faced with domestic issues interfering with mid-term growth potential, one of them namely rapid population aging. Deutsche Bundesbank published a report in April 2012 announcing that if the dampening effects of demographics can be mitigated by appropriate reform measures, it will largely be possible to maintain the current rate of potential growth of roughly 11/4% per y ear until 2020. With Europe struggling to cope with the Debt Crisis, an economic powerhouse such as Germany is under the pressure to come up with solutions and lead the union.However with its workforce fading into bottomless vacuum of tax dependents, it does not reflect well onto Germany’s financial health and strength as a sovereign nation. This paper intends to examine the situation in Germany and reach a conclusion that population aging incre ases the dependent population burden in views of both taxpayers and the nation’s budget; aggregate consumption expenditure decreases; the savings rate declines and shrinks the pool of available capital; working-age population reduces, while the labor productivity in Germany is not impacted heavily.Moreover, this paper will outline a perspective stakeholders should adopt to illustrate that as long as effective reform or measures can be implemented, the negative impact of the aging population on economic growth is likely to be minimized. Main arguments Dependency burdens Population aging increases the dependent population burden. Germany's pension system is known as the most generous pension system and public welfare. Costs of public retirement insurance are almost 12% of GDP, more than 2. times as much as the U. S. Social Security System (Axel Borsch-Supan, et al. ,2003), and it accounts for a high proportion of retirees' income. The weight of this tremendous systems is taxing on Germany's finances as well as the need for tax-payers' support. To ease the pressure of an aging population on the government budget, Germany has carried out a series of reforms. In what was called â€Å"the greatest social reform after war â€Å"by former Labor Minister Franz Liszt initiated in the spring of 2001.The main contents include reducing benefits, settling the level of premium expenditure, a pay-as-you-go pension system and developing a new type of private pension to fill the loss of welfare income. This reform, especially with measures to expand private pension types, will probably promote economic development. The Fund pension system is conducive for German government to supply a large number of retirees without increasing the load of employees and taxpayers. From a macroeconomic perspective, this series of system can help reduce the government budget pressure from an aging population.From micro-economic perspective, it can also bring higher personal income. Unfor tunately, there is a big difference between the actual implementation of Liszt reform and the government's promise. The new fund pension system in Germany is being undertaken on a relatively small scale, while the current non-accumulation fund insurance system is still in the highest flight. The final result is that, the German retirees are almost entirely likely to depend on the government. Overall, the public welfare accounted for 61% of net income after tax for families of 60 years old or above.The substantial increase in social welfare spending for the elderly in the GNP will continue to enlarge, as it is bound to limit the expanding of production, and influence the capital investment and economic efficiency, and add the burden on the national economy. Thus, with the development of population aging and extension of the average life expectancy of the aging of the population, it might be appropriate to extend the retirement age limit, in order to reduce dependent population and re latively increase the accumulation funds to expand production.Germany plans to raise the retirement age to 67 years of age, because of such considerations. But at the same time, the heavy new employment pressure requires Germany to strike a balance between extending retirement age and easing the employment pressure. Consumption The next section puts forward the argument that with the on-set of population aging, an increasing share of the elderly in the German market caused changes in its consumption structure.Overall, the consumption expenditure shows a gradual widening tendency during the aging process; however, Germany has already entered the aging society, so consumption expenditure showed a decreasing trend. This table shows the percentage of elderly family with an excess of the annuity income over expenditures. Annuity income is more than consumer spending and it increases with age. The decline in consumer spending is so significant that for about a quarter of the elderly aged 75 and above, the annuity income is more than 50% higher than consumer spending.In fact, almost all of this decline can be attributed to a decrease of food, travel and traffic expenses, the marginal utility of consumption reduction will probably decrease in the elderly, due to deteriorating health or being lonely. It is worth noticing that in Germany, food, travel and traffic expenses can hardly be offset by more health spending, because almost all health fees are covered by compulsory health insurance. (Wise, 2004) To some extent, the influence of population aging on consumption inhibited economic development.In this case, to speed up the development of older industries, government should focus on the development of travel, real estate and pension services for older people in order to promote consumption growth and the prosperity of the silver hair market. Savings The world's population is aging, accordingly, bank balances might probably stop growing. People tend to reduce their sa vings after retirement, while the younger generation are not as canny as older generations. As a result, savings rate will drop significantly (Diana Farrell, et al. , electric shavers, 2005).Because aggregate saving equals to investment (Lachlan McGregor, 2008), so if left unchecked, the slowdown of the global savings rate will reduce the amount of money available for investment and then hinder economic growth. It is not easy to find a solution. Stimulating economic growth in itself is not a solution, nor is the future productivity revolution or technological breakthroughs. To add to future global savings and financial wealth, the German government and the family need to increase their savings rate, and earn a higher return on assets. These changes involve tough choices, but it can provide a brighter future.As the elderly make up the larger proportion of the population, the total amount for investment and wealth accumulation will be reduced. The expected decline of growth rate for G ermany's financial wealth will fall to 2. 4% from 3. 8%. One thing is certain: the decline in the household savings rate can shrink the pool of available capital. Because of continuing budget deficit, government may push up interest rates and crowd out private investment. In the next few years, the rise in the cost of economic dependence will force government to implete better fiscal discipline.The only meaningful way to offset the population pressure to the upcoming global financial wealth is increasing savings rate of government and households, and a more efficient allocation of capital for the economy, thereby increasing the return. In Germany, to achieve the required rate of return, the policy makers must improve competitiveness, encourage innovation in financial sector and the economy as a whole, and raise the legal protection of investors and creditors. As for increasing the savings rate, the key to is to overcome inertia.When the enterprises automatically register their emplo yees on a voluntary savings plan rather than requiring people to become active, participation rate might increase significantly. Of course, the government can also increase the savings rate of Germany directly. Labor Pool With an increase in the proportion of the elderly population, the proportion of working-age population will accordingly decrease, which goes against German economic development (David E. Bloom, et al. , 2001). Labor force can be an effective motivation of rapid economic growth.However, a demographic draft report of the German federal government indicated that the working age population may reduce from 50 million to 26. 5 million in 2050, which is a decrease of nearly a half. According to the draft, the employment reduction would bring disastrous consequences to the economy of Germany. Moreover, it is much more difficult for older workers to adapt to the fast-paced production activities, especially in the labor-intensive production, so population aging is not conduc ive to the improvement of labor. In this case, a targeted immigration plan is very useful to enable Germany' to maintain its competitiveness.It is estimated that in order to make the employment potential of Germany remain at the level in 2004, at least 300 thousand to 500 thousand immigrants are needed annually. The appeal of that idea stems from two considerations: immigrants are relatively young, and hence their arrival reduces the average age of both the population and the labor force; and they can be expected to add more to the national product than they use up as consumers in terms of health-care, and thus to provide net support for the rising numbers of elderly dependents in the population.On closer inspection, however, there is a problem: immigrants get older, like everyone else, and a sustained policy of higher immigration has little long-term impact on either the median age or the age composition of the population. As Espenshade (1994, p. 766) noted, â€Å"immigration is a clumsy and unrealistic policy alternative to offset a shortage of domestic labor or to correct a perceived imbalance in the pensioner to worker ratio. †The effect of population aging to enhance labor productivity is negative which can be reflected on that the speed of aging workforce to accept new knowledge, science and technology is slower than that of the young. Relatively the elderly population shows a weak ability to adapt to new industries. Thus, to some extent, new product development and technological innovation are largely influenced by the aging problem. In the case of rapid scientific and technological development, and faster advancement of knowledge and increasingly keen competition, population aging has greater negative influence on labor productivity and economic growth.As for Germany, it gives priority to technology-intensive industries and to improve labor productivity mainly relies on science and technology, so the demand for mental exertion is much higher tha n physical. As a result, the negative influence of population aging on increase labor productivity is likely to be limited, on the other side, the experience of skilled older workers will have a positive effect to improve labor productivity in Germany. Conclusion Overall, it is argued in this essay that population aging in terms of the acroeconomics is not conducive to economic development, and its negative impact is mainly manifested in the above-mentioned four areas, while the elderly population do not entirely represent an economic burden as they can be profitable consumers, among them there are still some people engaged in economic activities with relatively abundant accumulation of experience and knowledge which can make up for the physical insufficiency. Thus, to some extent, these people contribute to the economic development.In fact, an effective way to mitigate the adverse effects of an aging population and labor force, is by accelerating the development of a knowledge-base d economy in high-tech industries. (i. e. to improve the level of automation in production and reduce the demand for workers' physical strength. ) We should also see that the development of the knowledge-based economy led to changes in the industrial structure and occupational structure and the increasingly high demand for workers intelligence.With the expectancy of population average life, the health status of the elderly is gradually improving, older workers will make a greater contribution than ever for economic development. Therefore, the rational development and utilization of elderly human resources, will become an important issue to mitigate the adverse impact of population aging on economic development. AppendixPercentage of Elderly in Age Group with a Ratio of Annuity Income to Consumption Expenditures in Germany [pic] Bibliography Asghar Zaidi and Malgorzata Rejniak (2010). Fiscal Policy and Sustainability in View of Crisis and Population Aging in Central and Eastern Europ ean Countries. Axel Borsch-Supan et al. (2005). aging, pension reform, and capital flows:a multi-country simulation model. Cambridge. National Bureau of Economic Research.David A. Wise (2004). Studies in the Economics of Aging. National Bureau of Economic Research. David E. Bloomet al. (2001). Economic Growth and the Demographic Transition. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research. David N. Weil (2006). Population Aging. Cambridge. National Bureau of Economic Research. Michael D. Hurd (2006). The Economics Of Individual Aging. University of New York at Stony Brook.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Supply Chain Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Supply Chain Design - Essay Example Customer service in the industry within which Meditech is operating is a crucial consideration, owing to the urgency of medical operations. Failure to deliver equipment in a timely manner, therefore, places the Company at a risk of incurring losses and losing its competitive advantage. For Meditech to retain its current share of the market, drastic supply chain management measures must be executed (Simchi-Levi et al., p. 18). Introduction Acute competition in the contemporary international markets, continuous introduction of commodities with short life spans, as well as, increased customer expectations are some of the factors that have prompted most businesses to focus extensively on management of supply chains. The mentioned aspects, coupled with constant progress in procurement and communications technologies, also motivate the uninterrupted development of supply chains and techniques for their effective management. In an ordinary chain of supply, manufacturers procure raw material s, produce commodities and ship them to warehouses for transitional storage, later shipping the products to customers or retailers. This is not any different from the procedure followed by Meditech. However, logistical problems are bound to occur in a supply chain, warranting better management of the interactions between suppliers, manufacturing departments, storage facilities, and retail outlets. Problems may also arise in management of raw materials, work-in-process (WIP) inventory, as well as, the inventory of finished products (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and Simchi-Levi, 2003 p.1). This paper seeks to establish these problems in Meditech’s context and propose possible solutions. Problems in Introduction of new products The chain of development is a series of processes and activities linked to introduction of new products. This chain encompasses the design stage, the related abilities and information that must be developed within a company, sourcing decisions, as well as, plan s for production. Meditech decided to adopt a unique development chain over the past few years. This strategy involves constant introduction of innovative products into the surgical instruments market, by primarily updating the existing ones. Even though the new products are generally accepted in the market, each introduction appeared to bring about a wide array of supply troubles (Simchi-Levi et al., p. 22). For instance, customers began to get tired of the low quality service accompanying each new product introduction. The Company also constantly suffered acute shortages with each product launch. Demand forecasting became increasingly difficult for Meditech, and to make matters worse, establishing the extent of damage was hard. Additionally, irrespective of the high inventory levels, the actual level of service declined sharply, largely undermining the Company’s objectives. Overall, the principal problems faced by Meditech include lack of communication between the marketing department and the procurement department, as well as, constant introduction of innovative products, which had a significant impact on the production line. Further, the supply chain management process jammed up, delaying the release of customers’ orders. Problem Drivers One of the potential causes of Meditech’s poor inventory management problem is â€Å"panic ordering† by affiliates and dealers. This is a phenomenon which occurs when a customer is not sure about timely delivery of products. As a result, the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Genetic Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Genetic Engineering - Essay Example Insulin is usually secreted by the pancreas in order to regulate sugar levels in the body; however in patients with diabetes, this does not occur. There are many advantages to genetic engineering in that it gives scientists greater control over the type of gene which is being encoded for. Scientists can also control the rate of production which can be accelerated unlike its natural counterparts. It works through plasmid recombinant technology. First, enzymes are used to isolate the human gene which encodes for the production of insulin. Then, this â€Å"sticky† fragment is inserted into a plasmid, which is a circular piece of DNA in a bacterial cell. Then, the bacteria are stimulated to reproduce and they undergo mitosis, meanwhile replicating the human gene along with its own. Then, the insulin is produced by the bacteria which can be harvested and administered to the population in large quantities, quickly and efficiently (Watson 456-58). This is only one aspect in which gen e manipulation technology has influenced pharmaceuticals and the daily life of diabetics. Gene technology has also been used in other applications of medicine such as in gene therapy, cancer research, and genetic counseling. All have been made possible by the technological advances.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Challenges and Solutions to Organizational Knowledge Management in Essay

Challenges and Solutions to Organizational Knowledge Management in KBMS - Essay Example Basically, a knowledge base is a special kind of database for knowledge management. According to Bellinger, Castro, & Mill, knowledge is defined as the application of data and information; answers "how" questions. It deals with collection of information such that its intent is to be useful. In an organization, knowledge is used on the day to day basis in the running of the affairs of the company. Andriopoulos & Dawson (20) suggest that managing change, creativity & innovation is the most crucial aspect for organisations to survive as we move into a knowledge economy. Knowledge is used in the operations of the organization so that it can achieve its desired goals. The main challenge of managing knowledge is that it is not static given that it changes depending on the changes taking place in the environment in which the organization operates. During the contemporary period, it can be noted that organisations operate in a dynamic environment which changes on a daily basis. In order to keep pace with these changes, the organization ought to develop and manage knowledge that can be used in the operations of the company. Since knowledge is not static, it can be seen that what was previously regarded as useful knowledge to the organization may not be relevant in the future operations of the organization. Therefore, this is a challenge to the organization since it ought to upgrade its knowledge system periodically so as to be able to keep pace with the changes and developments that can take place in the environment in which it operates. This may not be an easy task since it may be difficult to predict what is seen as important in managing knowledge in the company. In order to deal with the above mentioned challenge, particular attention should be paid to continued learning in the organization which can help it to gain a competitive edge over other rival competitors operating in the same environment. According to Schultz (164), learning in an organization is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cross-cultural Opportunities and Conflicts in Canada Essay

Cross-cultural Opportunities and Conflicts in Canada - Essay Example Discussion a Who are the stakeholders? That is, identify the different groups of people whom are affected by choices in this instance. Also, include in your analysis how many different ways different groups of people are affected. Canada is among the nations that embrace cultural differences as a form of economic and cultural opportunity. In Canada, immigrants are always comfortable and majority has attained their personal goals. Globally, people should learn to understand, accept, regard and acknowledge cultural diversity. Most crucial, cultural difference is the foundation for the success of Canada. Most global organizations, immigrants, Canadian leaders and business entrepreneurs face an intensive challenge in managing diverse cultures, for instance, Occidental Petroleum Company in Canada. Canada’s growth opportunities occur in the developing markets, whereby the requirements are nearly infinite. Canada must venture in those marketplaces. Both European nations and N. Americ a are the main markets and therefore, competition may be challenging for companies in Canada to explore them further, (Tierney, 2007). Therefore, Canadian cultural diversity gives the country an extensive advantage to take part in developing global markets. This is because cultural diversity accords Canada all the competence that other powerful competitors have. ... or instance, Canadians are sensitive, respectful and dynamic; Canada cherishes unity in diversity, respects cultural diversity (diverse traditions and views) and people. This makes the country well considered when dealing with international business and gives Canada an opportunity to capitalize on different capacities. Individuals from diverse nations and origins have reinforced the economy of Canada. Immigrants from different countries are mainly hard workers who bring diverse talents, competences, expertise and skills to Canadian companies and markets, (Chalmers, 1996). They are principled people who promote the reputation of Canada and are beneficial to the nation. Since Canada gives equal opportunities for both Canadians and immigrants - or people from different ethnic backgrounds outside Canada – to attain their objectives and develop, Canada has an opportunity to develop technologically, economically, culturally and socially from different talents and skills of non- Cana dians. Cultural diversity adds value to Canadian companies, governments and cultures. Multiculturalism makes the country rich in that they participate and offer their skills, expertise and knowledge in international business. Similarly, the country can efficiently utilize ethnocultural aspects in the society of Canada to obtain a share of developing markets. This is because availability of diverse ethnic people is a critical mechanism for Canada. For instance, in Canadian delegation almost 25% of the business entrepreneurs are immigrants from Vietnam. These Vietnamese can well describe to Vietnam authorities the potential benefits that Canada can offer to Vietnam and the form of business connections to be created. Similarly, Vietnamese in Canada settlements can easily eliminate cultural gaps and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emiratisation Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emiratisation - Thesis Proposal Example By 2005, up to 29,000 nationals had registered in the national  job  seeking  body; among them were those who had never been employed while others had only had high school certificates and no further evidence of higher education.  The government sought to reassure nationals’ priority in the recruitment and hiring processes in the private sector by establishing laws compelling privately owned companies to  employ  nationals in case of any openings.  This move by the UAE government has given nationals an  entitlement  to jobs, which has, in turn, lead to them being unappreciative of their jobs and at the same time, employers do not  take  them seriously (Kerr 24). Imposing the employment of nationals to the UAE private sector has resulted in the nationals thinking possess the right to a job resulting in them becoming unmotivated and adopt a relaxed attitude towards the job.  This has  consequently  compelled  company  managers to  limit  the workload on nationals as the employers  consider  the former as  flippant  in performing their duties. In addition, these private companies have to pay hefty salaries to inexperienced University graduates who  demand  salaries above the more professionally  experienced  and  qualified  expatriates. Further to receiving hefty salaries, these nationals expect to receive  rapid  promotions despite their minimal  work  input  (Al-Ali 369). Such demands  place  company  managers at a disadvantageous  position  as they have to  balance  the company’s need for profitability against the fact that they cannot fire unproductive employees who are natio nals of UAE (Kerr 26). Providing employment to those poorly  qualified  and  inexperienced  is  detrimental  to the performance of companies and the economy as a whole. This is because this move impedes on business’ progress, which may lead to downsizing, compounding the problem that emiratization

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Learning Plan - Essay Example On the other hand, many patients presenting in to the emergency department may not have that serious a clinical situation. However, an emergency nurse should be equipped with knowledge, expertise, learning, and clinical skills to handle these alone at her level. There are several varieties of patients that may attend emergency department seeking care. Of these certain categories of patients may need immediate nursing or physician care since they may be potentially life-threatening. These include airway compromise, cardiac arrest, severe hemodynamic shock or compromise, injury or cases of multiple trauma, or altered level of consciousness. Certain other cases are also emergent, but may wait for some time. These are patients sustaining head injuries, severe trauma, lethargy or agitation, conscious overdose, severe allergic reaction, chest pain, chemical exposure to the eyes, severe back pain, gastrointestinal bleeding with unstable vital signs, cerebrovascular accidents with deficits, severe asthma, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea with dehydration, acute psychotic episodes, fever in children, severe headache, severe acute pain of any origin, neonatal diseases, or sexual assault (Fry, 2008). Nurses may encounter cases of head injury pres enting in an alert state but with vomiting, mild to moderate asthma, moderate trauma, cases of abuse or neglect, GI bleeding with stable vital signs, and patients with history of seizure who are alert on presentation. Many other conditions are trivial, which can be really very efficiently treated by the emergency nurses, and these include alert head injury without vomiting, minor trauma, vomiting or diarrhea without dehydration, earache, minor allergic reactions, foreign body in the cornea, and chronic back pain. There may also be cases of sore throat, cases with minor symptoms, or chronic abdominal pain (Schriver et al., 2003). Anticipated Nursing Role To be able to deliver competent care, being a registered nurse, the emergency nurse must be able to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care alone or in collaboration with the emergency physician in order to achieve the goals of care and health outcomes in such patients. This must be either independent or interdependent care delivery within the framework of accountability and responsibility (Hageness et al., 2002; ANMC, 2004). Where possible, according to competency standards, the emergency nurse would also deliver education in order to promote and maintain health with a preventative approach. The nurse would demonstrate critical thinking and analytic abilities for care decision making and would demonstrate satisfactory knowledge base. She would be able to appraise her own knowledge and learning in order to engage in professional development through a pathway of evidence-based care (ANMC, 2004). From this angle, an emergency nurse has certain roles while delivering care to a patient presenting into the emergency department. The initial action is assessment, and a systematic and methodical assessment process through primary and secondary surveys enable the nurse to identify and prioritize the needs of such patients. The primary assessment consists of a rapid

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Abnormal Psychology Background and Perspective Essay Example for Free

Abnormal Psychology Background and Perspective Essay A lot of the human behavior and mental process could be explained by psychology. This course allowed me to view abnormal psychology in a bit of a different light. I was able to apply the information learned while relating it psychopathology. Taking this course has further improved my understanding of mental disorders/illnesses. I have also learned different treatment and many perspectives relating to abnormal psychology. This class has allowed me to think critically about mental disorders in addition to learning about scientific inquiry. Abnormal psychology is the behavior or thought that cause social, cognitive, and emotional problems for an individual. Abnormal thought or behaviors that disrupt an individual’s functioning are due to a psychological disorder. It is important to be able to understand characteristics of abnormal behavior in order to distinguish a person with a psychological disorder. These characteristics deviate from what society deems to be normal. Some classifications of abnormal behaviors are social deviance, personal distress, unusualness, danger to one’s self or to others and maladaptive behavior. All these traits need attention and diagnosis. A person with abnormal behavior can have a lifestyle full of discomfort, conflict and unhappiness. This does not only have an effect on the individual but can also affect others. A behavior that is normal in one region could be abnormal in another. Different cultures may consider a behavior in another culture abnormal and vice versa. Each culture also has a different treatment and approach towards mental disorders. There are different types of normality levels for an individual’s behavior. In this class the focus was on the approach that the western culture has towards mental disorders. Abnormal psychology could be explained by a number of different perspectives such as biological, psychological or sociocultural. An approach towards mental disorder is diathesis-stress paradigm. This â€Å"paradigm is an integrative paradigm that links genetic, neurobiological, and environmental factors† (p.62). For example a person that genetically prone; stress from the environment could trigger a mental disorder. If there isn’t any environmental stress, than the mental disorder may never be triggered. This paradigm does a good job in explaining how these factors can contribute to mental disorders. Most psychologists believe that cognitive behavior therapy is the most effective and efficient treatment for mental disorders. â€Å"Cognitive behavior therapy incorporates theory and research on cognitive processes such as thoughts, perceptions, judgments, self statements, and tacit assumptions† (p.51). This therapy treats the disorder by applying behavioral principles of learning. This gives the individual to reconstruct his/her thoughts in a positive manner. Usually a disorder leaves a pers on hopeless, but this treatment helps the individual to have control over their thoughts or feelings. Not only did I learn how to think critically, I also learned about different types of research method. Mental disorders is disturbs a person’s thoughts and which could lead to an emotional experience. Life can be difficult for a person with a mental disorder. They often have difficulty maintaining a relationship or keeping a job. The absence of treatment could make life unbearable for a person suffering a mental disorder. This class has helped me understand the different types of mental disorder and how to diagnose and treat them.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Russia Pestel Essay Example for Free

Russia Pestel Essay Recent dissolution of the form Communist state of the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation. Russia’s economy is in transition from a a state-controlled to a market-controlled economy. †¢Vladimir Putin, moved to reduce the political influence of oligarchs soon after taking office, forcing some into exile and prosecuting others. Bbc Still strained relationship between the Russian Federation and the West (U.S) rooted from the cold war Uncertainty of control within the Russian government 2003 October Billionnaire Yukos oil boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky arrested and held in custody over investigations into tax evasion and fraud. Mr Khodorkovsky had supported liberal opposition to President Putin. (bbc) The energy giant Gazprom is close to the Russian state and critics say it is little more than an economic and political tool of the Kremlin. Existing taxes on oil companies * Royalty (6-16% of gross revenue).  * Mineral resource tax (10% of gross revenue less the value of the taxpayer spending on exploration). * Excise tax (66 rubles/tonne of oil, equal to 2.5%, according to calculations of the Ministry of Finance based on the weighted average price of Russian oil and taking into consideration export and domestic sales). Uncertainties about legal rights, infrastructure, ownership, and liability have slowed development despite the high hopes of many western corporations. Yet, by end of 1998, the oil industry was fully privatized, substantially  deregulated, and had undergone significant internal restructuring (see Table 1 below). Even more recently, the Russian government has adopted (1998-2000) and enacted (1999-2002) a new Tax Code that by most accounts exceeds Western standards.5 For example, it introduced a 13 percent flat tax on personal income, capped corporate contributions to the social insurance fund, reduced the profits tax (a.k.a. corporate income tax) rate from 35 to 24 percent, abolished turnover taxes (as of 2003), tied export tariffs directly to the price of oil, and established new accounting procedures that are on par with International Accounting Standards Foreign Investment policies The Yukos crisis began when Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, chief executive of Yukos and Russias richest man, was jailed at gunpoint Oct. 25 on charges of fraud, forgery and tax evasion. Mr. Khodorkovsky insists his arrest and the prosecution of other large Yukos shareholders are politically motivated. Tax and royalties

Friday, September 20, 2019

Campbells Food Industry Competition

Campbells Food Industry Competition The rivalry among companies in the food processing industry is high and intense. These food processing companies are competing on price, quality, taste, health factors, product innovation, and product benefits (The Food Processing Industry 2006). Campbells major rivals are General Millis Progresso, Heinz and Kraft Foods. As a multinational food processing company, Campbells faces an extremely competitive market in internationally, nationally and locally due to the similarities between each soup producer and wider selection of products provided by other food processing company. (Ellison, Sarah 2003) On the other hand, various types of generic soup brands in the existing market which offer products in lower price have raised the competitive pressure. However, the Campbells high quality of soup products and the ability to keep low production costs weaken the rivalry of the generic soup brands. For instance, Campbells price their soup products only 20 to 25% higher than generic brands while maintaining a level high quality. Campbells would have to continue developing superior healthy food to distinguish itself from Progresso and smaller soup maker companies. 3.1.2 Threat of New Entrants The threat of entry depends on the presence of entry barriers and the presence of new entrants to a food processing industry typically bring to it new capacity and the want to gain market share. (Wheelen Hunger J.D 2007) Campbells major rival- Kraft foods and General Mills, create high entry barriers in food processing industry through their high levels of advertising and promotion. Besides, the intense competition in the food processing industry makes it hard to access in the market. Smaller food processing companies often have difficulty obtaining supermarket shelf space for their products as large retailers charge for space on their shelves and give priority to the established companies who can pay for the advertising needed to generate high customer demand. According to Ghemawat Collis (2001), the economy is a major factor as if the company wants to be a part in this food processing industry it must be able to face high costs for strong competition. Moreover, the slow market growth rate for the food processing industry causes acquisition between companies, resulted the barriers to entry are high with so many food processing companies and little to zero capacity remaining for any more companies. 3.1.3-The Threat of Substitutes Products The rivalry from firms of other industries which offer substitute products is intense as they are producing, supplying and serving the same food products that the food processing companies are. For example, Dunkin Donuts is in the foodservice industry and Campbell Soup Company is in the food processing industry, yet Dunkin Donuts serves soup and Campbell Soup sells soup. Consumers can still go to Dunkin Donuts and acquire the similar soups that Campbell sells. (Wall Street Journal 2003) 3.1.4- Bargaining power of buyers Consumers affect the food processing industry through their ability to force down prices, bargain for higher products quality and services, and play competitors against each other. The bargaining power of buyers is high as there are huge tendency of new entrance with new and variety of products. Besides, consumers prefer choosing products which offer lower prices. For example, Campbells soup products price is relatively 20 to 25% higher than generic brands in grocery stores, hence some consumers would choose generic brand products in the market rather than Campbells. Besides, the profitability obtained by the company is also determined by consumers. Food processing companies would be forced to lower prices if consumers think that the prices are too expensive as consumers tend to stop buying their products or switch to supplements. 3.1.5- Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers can affect the food processing industry through their ability to raise prices or reduce the quality of purchased goods and services. In case quality products the suppliers face an important factor. Due to the inflation the overall price of materials has been significantly increased. Campbell has always purchased high quality ingredients produced from local farmers. In 2006, Campbell launched Campbells Supplier Diversity Program to grow its diverse supplier base and to ensure that the supplier base better reflects the markets served. In 2007 the Campbells goal to spend with diverse suppliers was $121 million, but the actual spend with diverse suppliers was $129 million. (Campbells CSR 2008) So for Campbells, there is a 3.2.0- Swot Analysis A swot analysis allows the Campbell Soup Company to determine the extent of the strategic fit between its capabilities and the needs of its external environment. According to Henry(2008), the company can seek to match its strengths and weaknesses to the opportunities and treats it faces in current competitive food processing industry. The Campbells products portfolio includes soups, sauces, biscuits and chocolates and has a strong research function with high capabilities in new products development. 3.2.1-Internal Analysis-Strengths Innovative Campbell has always applied the spirit of innovation in every aspect of its business. At Campbells manufacturing plants in Napoleon, Ohio, and Paris, Texas, an innovative method called overland flow is used to treat wastewater. In terms of products introduction, the company has been consistently quick to come up with new products in the market. For example, the first portable soup product, Soup at Hand, the new microwaveable products such as Chunky and Select. Besides, Campbell frequent updates the products appearance with more contemporary design and new photography. Its popular gravity fed shelving system have been installed at 24,000 retailers nationally and credited for rejuvenating the soup aisle, expanding the category and vastly improving the shopping experience. Campbell is innovative to gauge consumer satisfaction and expectation. (Campbells Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2008) 3.2.2-Weaknesses Declining Market Share The Campbells market share in soup drop from 60% in 2007 to 49% as of October 2009. This is due to more and more private labels continue to enter the market by providing quality products in lower price. Some consumers have switched to try private labels and resulted private labels have gained 11%of the market share. On the other hand, Campbell has also faced stiff competition from brands such as General Mills Progresso and Nestle. (Campbell Soup Co Form 10-Q Quartery Report 2010) 3.2.3-External Analysis-Opportunities Demand for Wellness Products In recent years, the trend towards being more health-conscious has arisen from two main consumer groups. The younger generations currently focus more on low calorie content and on the go meals. For the more mature age group, their diets require health-consciousness in terms of limiting their sodium intake due to increased risk of ailments. Campbells Soups core product categories, notably soup and bakery products, are widely perceived as healthy and are compatible with the further development of health-oriented products, such as the existing and expanding line of Select Harvest and Healthy Request soups. In conjunction with the product improvement, Campbell has announced to expand its industry-leading sodium reduction program and to reduce the sodium content in 23 of its condensed soups by up to 45 percent in fiscal 2011.(Campbell Growth Plans for U.S 2010) 3.2.4-Threats Intense Competition Campbells main profitable core soup category has been facing intense competition and also been losing market share to its strong competitors, particularly General Mills Progresso and private label brands produced by companies such as Wal-Mart. Moreover, Campbells other segments have not produced consistent profits. According to Wolpert (2002), shifting consumer habits and preferences indicate the need to constantly innovate their products and minimize costs, in order to retain loyal consumers and keep up with the fast-changing consumer environment Extensive Laws The company is governed by a multitude of local and international laws and regulations with regards to food safety and environmental standards. For instance, in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Campbells food products must be inspected before they can be marketed. The company faces the risk of fines, injunctions, recalls or asset seizures, and criminal sanctions if it violates these laws and regulations. ( Campbells CSR 2008) 3.3.0- Benchmarking Campbell understands the importance of using benchmarking to evaluate performance. Hence, the company analyzed few top companies which mainly involved in food and beverage processing manufacturing company in a few aspects such as sustainability, supply chain, consumers, community and workplace. Moreover, Campbell have also highlighted the primary ways that companies are implementing their goals as well as select initiatives and key past achievements. In terms of community, Campbells have chosen to focus on nutritional and environmental programs by partnering with nonprofit organizations, universities and Think Tanks to conduct RD for new products. Besides, it also partnered with environmental experts to develop innovative solutions to protect the environment. For instance, Nestle has been launching malnutrition and obesity programs targeting children and adolescents of lower-income families while General Mills has been contributing 5% of pretax profits to charitable causes. The Campbells benchmarked the best practices by promoting nutritional and hunger elimination programs. Besides, Campbells also promote micronutrient products to attend lower income families and develop environmental initiatives. (Campbells Annual Report 2009) In terms of workplace related programs, Nestle, Coca Cola,, General Mills, have done excellent job. For instance, Pepsi CO has been providing job opportunities for people with disabilities while General Mills, the company has reduced lost-time injury rate by 25% over five years. Hence, Campbell benchmarked and developed workplace programs by focusing four key areas: Ensuring diversity of the workforce thereby bringing a broad range of talents and perspectives to the business Helping employees achieve both personal and professional development Ensuring the health and safety of employees both at home and at work Ensuring that employees have a fair work environment Campbells strived for an injury-free workplace through a strong health and safety program supported by high employee engagement. They train their employees to conduct their activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. (Campbells CSR 2008) 4.0 Strategy Formulation For Campbells to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in food processing industry, strategy formulation which derived from the objective and mission is undertaken. Porter (1980) argues that competitive strategy is about developing a defendable position in an industry which enables a firm to deal with the five competitive forces and thus generate a superior return on investment for the film. 4.1 Business Level Strategy-Differentiation To achieve superior value that is recognized by the consumer, Campbells needs to provide unique and superior value to the customers in terms of its products quality and value added up services. It is appropriate to relate differentiation strategy to the Campbells Soup Company as the companys goal is very straight forward, which is Together we will build the worlds most extraordinary food company by nourishing peoples lives everywhere, every day. Campbell has always focused on providing superior, healthy and nutrition food by expanding their icon brands in simple meals (especially soup). The Campbells latest plans are to enhance more than 60 percent of its condensed line with product improvements, further sodium reduction, more contemporary packaging, improved shelving systems and new marketing aimed at the simple meals category. ( Campbell Growth Plan 2010) Nowadays there are increasing numbers of consumers who are very concerned with nutritional values of foods they eat. The Campbells Soup Company which is having superior research abilities has been taking advantage of this avenue and further develops this product line. According to Douglas R. Conant, Campbells President and CEO, Campbell is going to fire up the important condensed soup business and step up the competitive posture of their ready-to-serve products. (Campbells 2009 annual report) The improvements and innovations of Campbells has made over the past several years has made Campbell outwit most of its rivals in the condensed soup category. Low-sodium products are pivotal to Campbells long term success as the majority of Campbells consumer base isbaby boomers. The majority of baby boomers diets are comprised of low sodium. A recent study shown that high cholesterol, attributed to high levels of sodium intake, is the number one diagnosed health condition for the baby boomer generation.The condensed soups have one of the highest sodium contents of all processed foods in existing market. Therefore Campbells low-sodium products have differentiated themselves with many rivals. Besides sodium, Campbells also has to focus on other aspects such as MSG and low calories of its soups by hoping that these healthier offerings will help gain market share among younger, more health conscious consumers. (Campbell CSR Report 2008) Besides, Campbell understands that creating a quality product begins with quality ingredients. Campbell purchases most of the ingredients from domestic farmers in countries where they manufacture products and also obtain certain ingredients from carefully selected suppliers around the world. Any ingredient that does not meet the quality requirements will not be used in a Campbell product to ensure superior product quality. On the other hand, providing value-added services help Campbells to outwit its existing rivals. Campbell continually experiments with new programs to provide consumers with useful information on meal ideas, health and wellness, and other tips. For example, each day their Campbell Meal-mail program delivers nearly 500,000 recipes electronically to busy Americans who are hungry for convenient, great-tasting meal ideas that will please their families. Consumers can access the Campbells Kitchen website at any time to download recipe ideas that have been tested and approved by Campbells nutritionists. Consumers also have the opportunity to share their ideas and comments on recipes with one another on the Campbells Kitchen website. ( It is suggested that the Campbell Soup Company to improve the flavour of its soup products to attract more demand. Besides, Campbell can try to create more contemporary design for its existing soup products instead of the familiar red and white colour design in order to stand out from various types of products in the market. 4.2 Corporate Level Strategy-Diversification The corporate level strategy of The Campbell Soup Company deals with three key issues: i) The firms overall orientation toward growth, stability, and retrenchment. ii) The market in which the company competes through its products and business units iii) The manner in which management coordinate activities and transfer resources and cultivates capabilities among product lines and business units The Campbells operates with four products divisions and has expanded its product to microwavable soups to make customers more convenient for preparing soup without container. (Campbells annual report 2009) Obviously, the Campbell Soup Company, which is a decentralized company, has been using a related diversification multiproduct strategy. Its strategy is to diversify its business to produce several products, and expanding its market share. Campbell used its engineering support and diversified production to support customers with convenient, good taste and quality food. To support its operating system, department such as Research Development (RD), product development, engineering systems, are required to produce high quality and stable operating system to avoid the unexpected shut down. Campbell has tried to use unrelated diversification strategy under the leadership of McGovern as Campbells CEO with the aim of rapidly expand product line to increase profits and revenue. Campbell has tried to acquire other firms to quickly gain access to new products and new markets. Instead of acquiring only food products, Campbell began to use the unrelated diversification strategy to acquire firms that it felt were positioned to capitalize on the consumers trend and also bought firms involved in all types of business. For example, the triangle Manufacturing Company, a fitness products maker, which is clearly unrelated to the firms core products. (Ireland, Hoskisson Michael 2006) A major reason for Campbells failure to generate financial economies while using the unrelated diversification strategy is that the firms approach to managing its core products divisions never changed. At the same time, corporate headquarters personnel didnt implement the strong financial controls necessary to efficiently manage an internal capital market. David Johnson who replaced McGovern decided that Campbell should not longer use the diversification strategy but to reduce the level of diversification by using related constrained strategy to create value through operational relatedness. Campbells related constrained diversification strategy involves transferring core competencies which lead to competitive advantage and start with value chain analysis to identify ability to transfer skills or expertise among similar value chains and on the hand, to exploit ability to transfer activities. Campbell should enhance more than 60 percent of its condensed line and be more committed to a ccelerate the performance of their existing portfolio, most notably in U.S. soup, and continuing to lay the foundation for superior long-term growth. (Campbell Growth Plan 2010) 4.2.1 External Acquisitions and Partnerships Through value-creating external development, Campbells is able to increase its market presence throughout its product lines. For instance, Campbells Baking and Snacking segment is positioned to grow due to the companys recent acquisition of Ecce Panis, a manufacturer of artisan breads. This acquisition allows Campbells to enter into the thriving artisan bread market. With the ever growing foreign population in America, it is suggested that Campbells should consider products that have more of the ethnic background of these immigrants. The brand could quite possibly extend the depth of the line with consideration to the vast number of different tastes in the society today. 5.0- Strategy Implementation A clear mission statement helps in providing focus to an organization and is essential for effectively establishing objective and formulating strategies. (Haberberg and Rieple 2001) In order for the Campbell to proceed into a future where competition is highly competitive, they need to define who and what they truly are, their concerns, their philosophies, and what gives them the competitive advantage over their competitors. This must be clear throughout all areas and divisions, at all levels in the company, in order for the implementation of the mission statement to be successful. The Campbells strategy implementation includes designing the organizations structure, allocating resources, developing information and decision process, and managing human resources, including such areas as the reward system, approaches to leadership, and staffing. According to Wheelen and Hunger (2007), the strategy implementation process includes the various management activities that are necessary to put strategy in motion, institute strategic controls that monitor progress, and ultimately achieve organizational goals. 5.1- Management Issue Restructuring In food processing industry one year is relatively indiscernible from the next from a macroeconomic point of view. Campbells corporate strategy and the companys management structure have undergone several restructuring since 1980. On April 28, 2008, the company announced a series of initiatives to improve operational efficiency and long-term profitability, including selling certain salty snack food brands and assets in Australia, closing certain production facilities in Australia and Canada, and streamlining the companys management structure. As a result of these initiatives, in 2008, the company recorded a restructuring charge of $175 millions. The charge consisted of a net loss on the sale of certain Australian salty snack food brands and assets, employee severance and benefit costs, including the estimated impact of curtailment and other pension charges, and property, plant and equipment impairment charges. The cost of restructuring activity is shown at Appendix 2 Workforce Diversification The Campbell strive to uphold their promise of Campbell Valuing People, People Valuing Campbell by providing employees with the resources required to do their jobs well; competitive compensation and benefits; the opportunity to learn; and grow through their work. At present, the Campbells Board of Directors consists of 14 independent members and one company executive, the CEO, Doug Conant. Board operations are managed by an independent, non-executive Chairman. The Board believes that diversity in the backgrounds and perspectives of their directors contributes to sound corporate governance. Currently, three of their directors are women, one director is from India and one director is African-American. The Campbells Board of Directors is shown at Appendix 3. The CEO believes that workforce diversity is essential to be a mainstay within the company overall strategic objectives. Hence, Campbells is committed to attract a diverse group of talented employees and providing all their associates with development opportunities and a culture in which they can flourish and provide their employees with career development and quality-of life enhancements that make Campbell a special place to work. The directors receive annual fees equal to the median directors compensation paid by peer food and consumer products companies. Approximately 50 percent of each directors fee is paid in cash and 50 percent is paid in common stock. Director stock ownership requirements have existed at Campbell since 1993. Currently, the directors beneficially own more than 44 percent of the companys common stock. (Carlin, M Harris R 2008) Though the Campbells has successfully implemented workforce diversification strategy, it is recommended that the company offers stock options to their rank-and-file employees too. By offering employee stock options, workers are given the chance to buy shares in their company at a specified price. The grant or strike price, should be pegged to the value of the stock when it is offered to employees. Employees have the option of buying the stock at a set price then selling it after a period of time. Employee Engagement The Campbell believes that employees will feel most valued when they are fully informed, understand the companys business goals and plans and are invited to offer their feedback on a regular basis. In 2007 and 2008, Campbell was recognized by Gallup as one of the Best Places to Work in America. The company believes that its work environment has contributed to their relatively stable retention rate and their improved marketplace performance. ( Campbell conducts annual employee survey to develop work group action plans, empower individual employees to improve the workplace and to strengthen the companys business practices. 5.2 Marketing Issues The Campbells understands that successful marketing implementation is affected by marketing variables. 5.2.1 Market Segment The companys 2009 financial reports segment their business into four key categories: US Soup, Sauces and Beverages, Baking and Snacking, International Soup, Sauces and Beverages, and North American Foodservice. With sales approximating $3.8 million, US Soup, Sauces and Beverages accounted for approximately half of the sales in FY 2009 and drove the bulk of profits for the company. Core brands like Campbells, V8, Swanson and Prego delivered a combined 4% growth through a combination of innovation, consumer trade downs, and improved distribution channels.( Appendix 2) 5.2.2 Marketing Strategies Product The Campbells positioning is providing healthy and nourishing products within the product line. * The product line width come in many different options. This being said, the depth of the product line is in fact the largest. Each product comes in a multitude of different sizes and flavours. The brand offers adequate products for the consumers. * In addition to the size and flavours, the packaging is well organized for that of single or multiple item purchasing. * The packaging also achieves an accurate perception in the consumers mind. They use well known athletes to convey the message of health to the consumer. Price * The pricing of the products within the brand name are consistent with that of the positioning. They provide the perception that to eat healthy the consumer should not have to pay more. * The Campbells brand is typically priced at twenty cents above that of their major competitors. This is the act of swaying the consumers mind to the perception that Campbells is of a higher quality than the competitors. * While operating in an elastic market, Campbells employs special event promotional pricing strategies in order to remain competitive. * The company also offers discounted pricing on certain seasonal items and during holidays. In addition to these promotional strategies, they employ the odd even strategies to convey the message that their brand is that of higher quality. Distribution * Campbells brand is distributed intensively throughout all geographic locations within the United States and many foreign countries. * In the distribution process, Campbells deals with wholesalers and retailers thus creating the supply channel. This is a very profitable concept as long as the lines of communication remain opened. Catalog marketing is also another form of distribution that is employed. This is easily achieved due the fact that the shelf life of the products is long. * The products are very easily purchased at any marketplace at any given region of the US. Promotion * In using the most recent athletic figures in their advertisements, they are successful in maintaining their position of health. * In the use of the retailers to help marketing, they are employing the cooperative advertising technique. This helps to advertise their products from numerous different angles. The effectiveness of themarketingstrategiesemployed by Campbells has made them recognized as the premium brand within their product lines. In comparison to the competition, Campbells focuses a great deal on interacting with the public with such efforts as sweepstakes and giveaways and also education. Their public relation efforts have ranked them as one of the most society conscious brands in the business. 6.0 Conclusion A strategic analysis is most applicable to strategic management at the business unit level of large multinational firm such as Campbell Soup Company. At the strategic analysis stage, internal and external environmental scanning by using Porters 5 forces model and Swot analysis are conducted. Besides, benchmarking is used to evaluate performances. Strategy formulation which derived from the Campbells objective and mission is undertaken to outline the business level and corporate level strategies. Strategy at business level deals with which market the company chooses to compete while strategy at the corporate level is more concerned with managing the portfolio of business. The final strategy implementation stage includes the management issues, staffing and marketing variables which can influence the profit margin of the company. List of References 1. Campbell Soup Company, About Us, online, retrieved 2 March 2010, 2. Henry, A 2008, Understanding Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, New York United States 3. Porter, M. E. (1996) What is Strategy,Harvard Business Review, 74 (6):61-78 4. Food Processing Industry,2006, retrieved 6 March 2010, 5. Wheelen T.L, Hunger J.D, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, 2007, tenth edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, United States of America 6. Ghemawat, P., Collis, D., Pisano, G. and Rivkin, J. (2001) Strategy and the Business Landscape: Core Concepts, Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education. 7. Campbells Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2008, retrieved 6 March 2010, 8.Campbell Outlines Growth Plans for U.S. Condensed Soup Business, retrieved 5 March 2010 9. Carlin, M Harris R 2008, Mm! Mm! Good! for the Long-Term, The Story of Campbell Soup Companys Long-Term Compensation Strategy, New Jersey 10. Haberberg, A. and Rieple, A. (2001) The Strategic Management of Organizations, Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 11. Wolpert, J. (2002) Breaking out of the innovation box, Harvard Business Review, pp.77-83. 12. R. Duanne Ireland, Robert E.Hoskisson, Michael A.Hitt, Understanding business strategy : Concept and Cases, 2006, Published by Thomson Learning, pg150(corporate level strategy) 13. Campbell Soup Company Annual Report 2009, United States of America 14. Campbell Soup Co Form 10-Q Quartery Report, 2010, New Jersey 15. Campbell Soup Company Receives the Gallup Great Workplace Award 2010, retrieved 8 March 2010, 16. Porter, M. E. (1980) How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy,Harvard Business Review, 57 (2):137-145. 17. Campbell lowers outlook, plans soup changes, retrieved 5 March 2010, cut sodium and change the design and packaging of some brands 18. Ellison, Sarah, Campbel

Thursday, September 19, 2019

ip addressing :: essays research papers

Repeater: operates at physical layers of osi model. Digital signals or analog signals that carry digital data can only be transmitted over a limited distance. After a certain distance attenuation or noise endangers the integrity of that data. Repeaters reproduce and transmit the received digital data. This new signal is the exact duplicate of the original signals. Repeaters offer simple means to extend a network, increased traffic on the network is introduced. This increased network congestion may not be acceptable in some situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Switch: Communication networks may be categorized by the architecture and techniques they use to transfer data. The following types of networks are in common. Broadcast communication networks. Local area networks. Packet radio networks. Satellite networks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In broadcast communication networks, there are no intermediate switching nodes. Each node in the network is attached to share communication medium. Ethernet and Arc net are examples of broadcast communication networks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Switched communication networks:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Circuit switched networks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Message switched networks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Packet switched networks. In switched communication network networks there may be multiple paths linking sender and receiver. Data is transmitted from source to destination by being routed through the networks nodes. This is called switching.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bridges: are limited to extend the network distance up to the network limitations. Bridges are useful to extend the network when dealing with one network. Also bridges limit entire company to use one network. At last when using bridges a failure in the network affects the entire network and thus the entire company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Routers: can extend the network beyond the limitations of a network by connecting two or more networks. Routers allow extending the network by dealing with many networks. Routers also allow you to use a backbone network for faster transfer of information across the different networks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Need For Education :: essays research papers

The Once And Future King by T.H White is a four part book of magic, love, death, war and medieval tales. The book tells the tale of how the Wart (Arthur) becomes king and how he goes about life. The need for education is very important; the lessons Arthur learns and his application of them later in life demonstrates this importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The lessons Arthur learns as a child is taught to him by various animals. On the signs over each ant tunnel was a notice which read,† Everything Not Forbidden Is Compulsory† (122). In the life of a worker ant there is no free thought allowed. The worker ants also have no free will; they do only what they are told to do and nothing else. Another good example is the view of Lyo-lyok the goose; â€Å"There are no boundaries among the geese† (170). Lessons learned from the geese are those that teach leaders take charge when a leader is needed. The geese also teach Arthur why war is unnecessary. In those lessons Arthur learns that Communism is oppression, is war, and Lyo-lyok teaches that war is not the only thing one should depend on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later in Arthur’s life, he uses his education to form ideas of using might for right. For example, Arthur rhetorically inquires, â€Å"Why can’t you harness might so that it works for right† (248)? Asserting his idea Arthur decides to fight the battle at Bedegraine in hopes of stopping people from thinking of war as he once did. With that idea in mind Arthur wishes to use might to show people what is right. Arthur then decides to enforce his idea of might for right by creating a league of knights (The Knights Of The Round Table); this idea leads to a genius proposal in when he states, â€Å"Then we can have a circular table† (265). Arthur’s round table idea prevents jealousy and competition among the knights.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How does Steinbeck make use of the natural setting in of mice and men Essay

The Brush by the Salinas River is one of the most important locations in the entire novel. Steinbeck creates a beautiful and natural setting by his use of figurative language. â€Å"Willows fresh and green with every spring† and â€Å"leaves lie deep and so crisp† create an image in the mind of the reader that evokes a calm and peaceful mood. Steinbeck then uses the setting to introduce the two main protagonists. The arrival of the protagonists interrupts the harmony of the river bank, but before any sign of them is visible or within earshot, the birds fly away, the rabbits scatter, and all the other animals flee the area. This lets us know that something or someone is coming. Steinbeck introduces to the two main protagonists. They are the described identically but it is not until Steinbeck describes their different features that we learn their differences .We don’t know their names until the dialogue starts. Through their dialogue we learn that the larger man is Lennie and the smaller man is George. Both physically and character wise, George and Lennie are completely different, almost exact opposites. Lennie is not very bright, and acts like a big baby. He likes to pet soft things, he throws tantrums once in a while, and when he senses his advantage in an argument he takes that opportunity and is whiny, immature, and unrealistic about the situation. â€Å"If you don’ want me I can go off in the hills an’ find a cave. I can go away any time.† George, on the other hand, is very mature, and although he gets angry and frustrated with Lennie sometimes, he always ends up feeling sorry that he was mean, and apologizes sadly. â€Å"I been mean, ain’t I?† George and Lennie are very close friends, they travel together, they stick together, and they look after each other. George and Lennie have a dream, one that they’ve had for apparently quite some time. George and Lennie want to own and live in a little house of their own, with animals and vegetables and fires for the winter. They want to have their dream house, a place where they can live on their own, without worrying about anyone or anything. Steinbeck creates a setting of this dream which is used as motivation for George and Lennie but more specifically for George to keep Lennie safe. The dream links with the American Dream, what they aspire is only a microcosm of the American Dream. The whole setting of the dream is so minimal that is really nothing like the American Dream.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Career Objective

In my first employment, I want to be employed as marketing assistant for a drug Maker Company. Being a fresh graduate with a pharmaceutical degree from the university, I am quite excited to be in the marketing department because the job seemed to fit to my course (a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical). The job that I want to have includes the sale of pharmaceutical products, taking orders from the customers, and developing business relations with both new and old customers. Target Market My main target market is the Pharmaceutical Companies in India, which manufacture pharmaceutical products and drugs for export to South East Asia. Most of the drugs are sold over the counter, as these drugs are common medicines for fever, cough, and flu. There are also generic antibiotic medicines such as cefalexin and amoxicillin that are sold cheap. At present, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia are the emerging pharmaceutical manufacturer and exporter in the region. In order to demonstrate my desire to work in pharmaceutical company in India, I checked for job opportunities in some pharmaceutical companies in India. See appendix A or Job announcements samples from India. This job opportunity requires a minimum of one-year experience but I believe that if the credential is impressive, it may not pose problem. Personal Features To prove my worth to the position, I would like to emphasize five features that describe me as a person, and as a professional. First, I posses a solid communication skills both in person and by phone which I developed during my student days as public information officer in our school organ which   I believe will benefit the marketing department. Second, I am proficient with Macintosh, PC, and spreadsheet applications; I am particularly gifted with technical skills that give me an advantage over other applicants. Third, I can effectively manage important aspect of business operations, including inventory management and account maintenance. I acquired knowledge in this area through my on-the job training at my grand father’s business firm. Fourth, I have a flexible character and I cab easily get along with others. This enables me to have the ability to organize and motivate others. I believe this is important in the work place because working in harmony with others builds teamwork, which is important in creating a productive work environment. Above all these, is that I posses a strong work ethic and enthusiasm to learn. I believe that with all this features I can help the company to boost its sales performance as well as in advancing the company’s competitive advantage. What makes me different from others? I understand that there are many applicants to the position I desired, but I would like to point out my advantage with others, which make the difference. Aside from the five features that I have which I mentioned above, I am a jolly person. I have strong sense of humor and I could easily crack jokes that can uplift the guts of my peers. I am willing to do some technical trouble shooting if necessary, even to the extent of working on twenty-four hours to ensure effective communication facility or to meet the necessary requirements. I am aware that this is not the kind of job I am applying but if I need to do so, I will be willing. My communication skills would be an advantage too. I have communications with a lot of important personality that could provide an important business link. If I will be given the chance to be part of the marketing team, I could work with these important people to advance the companies’ interest and goals. Salary Expectation With regard to the salary, I will not be so particular about how much as long as it is respectable. I mean not really high but not very low also. But this depends on the company situation. If the company is multi-national I would expect salary that will commensurate to my worth in the company. I believe this is justifiable because multi-national company earns enormous profits and it is not a sin to demand a fair share.   I will not demand higher salary, but just the appropriate compensation based on the prevailing salary standard. However if necessary, I am willing to accept lower salary if that meant developing good experience for a better job two to three years from now. I do not think demanding a higher salary at this point is unjustifiable in the sense that I have not proven yet my worth. I need to prove all that I have stated in my resume. The salary that I expect is the current minimum wage for professional. Promotional strategy (why I want This Job) I have learned about the job opportunity in India from the internet at Yahoo job search India. The specific location of the company is in Mumbai. I want this job because I have particular interest in pharmaceutical related work. Besides this is my field of expertise and it would be more comfortable for me if will be in this fieldwork. Perhaps what attracts me to this kind of work is that since childhood, I was fascinated by the pharmacist in their beautiful uniform that I used to see at a nearby drugstore in our neighborhood. I choose to work in India because I want to experience a new culture. India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia and considered to one of the emerging hegemonic economy after the United States. What do I see my self doing in five years I would say that I will still be in this company five years from now but perhaps as the marketing head of the company’s marketing department. I am quite sure that both my technical and communication skills will be even more developed during the course of my employment and I expect that I can acquire new skills, particularly in management, that could provide me the opportunity for career improvement. I am confident that so long as the top management recognized my worth and justly compensate my effort, I can perform my best and remain loyal to the company’s goals and mission. What do I see my self in ten years? As I mentioned earlier, so long as the company recognized my worth and justly compensate my effort, I will remain loyal to the company and perform my best. In this case I see my self-being in the top management team or perhaps a branch manager in either India or in particular Asian country. My loyalty to the company will remain until the time of my retirement. The company’s trust and confidence in me as well as the fare recognition of my initiative, my effort, and my skills and experience with the company will be the motivating factor behind my commitment. Distributional Strategy I will make the employer aware of the benefit that I can provide through my resume with attached application letter. I must prepare an impressive resume that presents my outstanding qualification specified in terms of acquired skills, personal attributes, co—curricular and community involvement, awards, and most importantly my work experience.   By means of these points of competencies, I can generally pinpoint my advantages over other applicants; and in the same way, the employer can easily determine why he has to select me from the many choices he has. Basically, resume and application letter is the best option for all application in making that first point of contact with the employer.   This is the best way to make personal impression because this reflects your sincerity and personality. Appendix A JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE INTERNET Marketing Executive Company Profile: The company is into manufacturing of High Quality Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Cosmetics, Beverages & Food Industries Machineries & Equipments. Job involves : The job will include sale of pharmaceutical Machinery, follow up with client, Taking orders from clients, overall business development of the old and New clients as well. Experience : 1 – 3 yrs Job Category : Marketing / Sales Medical Marketing Associates Company Profile : A Pharmaceutical Group of Company Job involves : Post Graduates/ Graduates in Medicine/ Pharmacy/ science. Experience : 1 – 2 yrs Job Category : Pharmaceutical/ Biotech Keywords – Medical Marketing Associates More Information Salary : Upto Rs 1.75 lacs p.a Location : Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur Date Posted : Source: Work Cited Henry, Merrit. Constructing an Impressive Resume.   The Jamaica Observers.   April 22, 2007. Yahoo Job Search in India.         

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Effects of Team Dynamics on Corporate Communication

Good communication skills are one of the required skills from the human being to maintain and achieve the expected outcomes of the organization or team. An effective communicator tends to work well in a team. Working as a team in any environment is more productive and the expected outcomes tend to be more of a profitable than working alone. In this report there will be the discussion on the effects of team dynamics on corporate communication. The topic will be divided into sub sections: developing positive team dynamics, effect of team dynamics on individual’s behaviour, personality types and team dynamics and also the author personality type will be discussed. The communication theories and the categories identified by Belbin will also be discussed. It is clear that people got deferent personalities and different ways of adapting the group dynamics, the personality type and team dynamics will be discussed. The types of personalities as described by MBTI will be discussed individually. What is Team Dynamics? â€Å"Team or group dynamics concern the fluid and on-going interaction between and among team members, their actions and reactions. Team dynamics relate to the interpersonal and interdependent process of work—how things get done by and through people, and how team members relate to their task and to each other†(Team Dynamics. n. d. ). It is clear that if team members have the shared vision, goals and objectives about the performance of the team, the team can reach it objectives and it can build healthy team dynamics. Developing a Positive Team Dynamics People are unique and got different beliefs, it is therefore very correct that you study your team mates very well and emphasis more on what is important for the group. Having well defined standards and reporting standard to a group leader that will lead to a healthy group dynamics. These standards can only be effective if the team members are committed to the positive interests of the team. After deciding on team rules or standards the team can easily develop the personal relations and develop trust to each other. This trust and personal relations became visible by the time we managed to delegate someone to represent the group on dance practise, we trusted the person the he won’t let us down. We also managed to learn the dance from him. And that has made us to bond more. Effect of Team Dynamics on individual’s behaviour Most people are more effect when working as a group than working alone, other people will find this as a problem. Working in a group of people of different cultures could lead to more tensed environment within the team, it is therefore very correct to learn or try to understand the do’s and the don’ts of other members culture and that will lead to profitable results as it stated that â€Å"Teams working together increase problem-solving skills and innovation, quality, and decrease turnover and absenteeism† (Teresa Armstrong, n. ). After developing positive team dynamics, the group will had the common goal of achieving the expected outcomes. This was shown on the camp when we were doing speed introduction, we managed to know each other better and had a chance to know the dos and don’ts of other peoples culture. This made us to perform well on the activities that were given and submit them on time. What is Personality? Hjelle and Ziegler (1987, p. ) explains that â€Å"personality refers to the overall impression that an individual makes to others†, at the same time Robbins (1979, p. 90) explains that â€Å"personality is the sum of ways in which an individual reacts and interact with others† Personality affects the performance of the entire group, and these authors agree on the definition of personality. The team need to study each member’s personality, hence that will create a healthy working environment. Personality Type and Team Dynamics The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to understand the personality of individual, and that can be effective in developing team dynamics. MBTI shows the following characters of personalities: Extroverted/ Introverted, Sensing/Intuitive, Thinking/ Feeling, Judging / Perceiving. Extrovert/Introverted These kinds of people are either described as people who are out spoken, work well in a group (extrovert) or people who focuses on the inner world and this kind of person likes to work individually. Introverts can sometimes frustrate the Extroverts, because of the strength of the Introverts shines when they alone and they are not more in group discussions as it stated that â€Å"Extraverted types who work best by thinking out loud and considering matters in dialogue can be frustrated by Introverted types whose best work on thinking and considering is done internally and detached from active interaction† (Personality Pathways, 2009). Even though these personalities are differing in terms of preferences, they can contribute to the team positively. Hence the introverts in a group will be treated as the knowledge source or the strategist of the group while Sensing/Intuitive Since in the team people have different personalities, here there will be a discussion on how the groups or teams benefits to people with sensing and intuitive personalities. Effective communicators they first identify the problem and then propose solution(s) to the problem, so people with this kind of personality in the sense that they are more realistic, practical and got self confidence. Psychological Types ( 2008a) explains that â€Å"Intuition is an ability to deal with the information on the basis of its hidden potential and its possible existence†, it is therefore clear that this kind of personality can effectively contribute towards the group or team. Hence they are able to foresee the possible outcomes of the task and this will help the group to effectively communicate with vision of the possible solution. This kind of personality is clearly found on someone who is the go-getter and someone who is creative. Thinking/Feeling Psychological Types ( 2008b) explains that â€Å"Thinking is an ability to deal with information on the basis of its structure and its function. Feeling is an ability to deal with information on the basis of its initial energetic condition and its interactions†, people with this kind of personality (thinking) are more in the decision making side. Someone with thinking personality has the greater ability of doing things in logical manner and he ends to pay more attention on the bigger picture of the given task. People with the feeling personality type are more concerned about feelings of other individuals and they are more ethical, which makes them to be good in developing team dynamics. Team with good ethical rules they tend to be more effective and produce quality results. In any working environment there will be some times conflicts and sometimes conflicts can lead a group to informed or uninformed decisions. So people with the feeling personality don’t like conflicts and that could be their weak link, because when working as team there are high probabilities of conflicts and sometimes conflicts are healthy for the survival of the team. Judging/Perceiving Judging Personality type is essential to the success of the group, because people with this kind of personality are creative in making plans, organizing tasks to be done. By having an individual with that kind of personality and the communication channels of the group or team are clearly defined, the team is advantage of achieving its objectives in expected time. The individuals with judging personality is more like the backbone of the group or team because someone with this kind of personality doesn’t give up on the given tasks and that individual can be sometimes be called the information centre of the group, because some of the possible solutions for the group might come from that individual. The other type of personality is called Perceiving. This type of personality is referred to someone who can adapt in any situation that the group find its self in. Individuals with perceiving personality is referred to as more open minded as it stated that â€Å"Perceiving is the preference outwardly displayed. Perceiving people are flexible, and they like to keep their options open and think randomly† (My Personality. Info. n. d). If an individual is described to have the perceived type of personality, the individual need the attention of the group, because the performance of this individual depends on his/her mood. And can be costly to the team performance and the team level of communication, because if the individual is not in mood then the entire team will be affected too. Having well defined ethical behaviour in the group and well established accountability standards that will lead to mutual respect mong group member, effective communication and profitable results in the given activities. The Author’s Personality Type After conducting the online personality type test, the author of this paper was described as ESTJ where E stands for Extrovert, S – Sensing, T – Thinking and J – Judging. The results of the test were exactly the author’s personalities. Even though the test results exactly explain the personality of the author, and the author is strongly agree with the fact that these results are true and also feels that these results are not fully explaining the author of this paper. The reason the author believes that is an extrovert is because of the fact the author can easily adapt to the new group and can easily get along with people of different culture and different backgrounds. This was shown on the camp when I had to be in the cabin with people that I saw for the first time. I managed to get along with my cabin mates and I made many friends from that camp. The effective communicator is not someone who speaks loud but it’s someone who can effectively convey the message to other people without any difficulties and the massage received is clear and unambiguous. The author is also having the sensing type personality, because of the self-confidence that the author has and how realistic the author is. The online personality test also sees the author of this paper as Thinking type of personality, and the author fully agrees with the test results because of the fact that when it comes to decision making for the benefit of the team or group the author excels. Every individual got its own talent and specialization area, and the author of this paper believes that clear communication channels and clear definition of roles in the team, that will healthy working environment. The online personality test has further seen the author of this paper as someone who is having Judging type of personality, and the author strongly agrees with that outcome because of the contributions that the author contribute towards the given tasks of the group and the self discipline the author has. The ESTJ type of personality is more essential towards the success of the group, because in a group there will be different personalities such as INFP. This kind of personality reacts to group dynamics differently as ompared to ESTJ type of personality. So if the group dynamics are well developed to the benefit of the team, and all different personalities are given platform to express its opinions that will lead to effect working environment. Since team dynamics are more concerned about how the group interact, how tasks are scheduled from the start to the end and also how the decision making is made, the personality type of the author of this paper allows the author to fit in any kind of working environment. Knowing what is expected of you in a group, that’s what makes team members to work effectively and deliver what is expected of them. When the team roles are divided is done according to the expertise of an individual member of the group, hence that will enhance productivity within the group. The author of this paper has the very power full mind of looking at things in a way in which will benefit the group. References

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tourism and Premium Advantages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of not only recreation, but also the provision of services for this act. It†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Advantages and disadvantages of tourism Nowadays many people travel around the world. They get new experience, emotions, relaxation But is it that good? In†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism. if the natural resources are destroyed for the settlement of hotels, it may be a disadvantage for everyone in the country. For example, in Maurtius , when tourists†¦ PremiumAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism In Mauritus a computer literate the use of the manual system will be easier for them to work. * Advantage of the New System . * Easier to maintain and update data†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism – Short Essay New pedagogy St vincent & Grenadines Island is a small island with limite d education facilities. Primarily motivated students can easily start their own†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Name: ____________________________ Number_____ Form ____ Class _______ Date: ______ /______ /______ Name: ____________________________ Number_____ Form ____†¦Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Increasing Tourism Activity In Different Countries ] Bottom of Form Similar discussions: advantages and disadvantages of tourism Advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Increasing the living standards†¦ Premium Advantages And Disadvantages Of Direct Selling: Perspectives Of Both Tourism Operators And Tourists for a tourist using direct selling. The third section will discuss the advantages and disadvantages for a tourism provider using direct selling. Finally, the essay†¦ Premium Tourism Advantages And Disadvantages