Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mandating Nurse-Patient Ratios Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mandating Nurse-Patient Ratios - Research Paper Example Once out there, the nurses would have to use their political influence and legislative power to determine which policies when put in place would be most effective One of the policies that would be vital is knowing where and when to reach out to masses of people. Once established, they should concentrate on creating awareness to citizens on their main areas of concerns and of how it will serve to benefit both parties. They should then take time and perform regular visits until the message has been passed on convincingly and effectively. Once knowledgeable on the topic, the citizens would then be in a position to agree with the nurses. Choosing an influential figure with a better understanding on the societal problems as well as one whom citizens can relate easily with would also be beneficial (Moss, 2000). Understanding their main agendas as well as sticking to the subject matter at the local level would enable the leaders of the committee to stay focused. This would also be instrumental in ensuring that the citizens get a full understanding of the legislative process. Creating such an enabling environment clears any doubts whatsoever that any citizen has and places them in a better position. At the state level, communicating with individuals would require for instance setting up committees that deal with them on say a weekly basis by scheduling meetings. Meeting places such as parks and malls would be effective joints for giving out communicae concerning the legislation process. Issuing flyers, brochures or creating adverts would be some of the measures the nurses would use in ensuring that citizens are fully educated on the topic. Once well endowed, citizens would be better placed in providing support to the nurses and the legislation process (Nagelkerk, 2005). Additionally, the nurses would create more awareness at their places of work through giving out the information to patients who come for treatment. They could also encourage the patients

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